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Everything posted by Castleman

  1. Castleman

    The Hardcore Journey

    im fucking DYING. L00000L
  2. Castleman

    rank transfer

    i would like the donator rank taken off my alt "camburg" and transferred to "castleman" thank you, 1b paid to raw.
  3. Castleman

    Transfer my Amount donated

    I will submit a ticket for you, 1b has been paid.
  4. Castleman

    rank transfer

    I will submit a ticket for you. 1b has been paid.
  5. Castleman

    Donation Transfer

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  6. Castleman

    Donation Transfer

    Please pm a staff member ingame to pay the 1b and then we will submit a ticket for you.
  7. Castleman

    Forgot password to alt

    I will submit a ticket for you. Please be patient
  8. Castleman

    Donator rank transfer

    I will submit a ticket for you.
  9. Castleman

    Donor Rank Transfer

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take some time so please be patient. Thank you. 1b has been paid and emptied.
  10. Castleman

    Changing username

    I will submit a ticket for you to see if this is possible. Please be patient as this can take some time. 1b paid and on my account. I will empty it when name change has been confirmed.
  11. Castleman


    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  12. Castleman

    i've lost my PIN - maxed99

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  13. Castleman

    im a old player cant remeber pass

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  14. Castleman

    I've lost my PIN - Thilken

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  15. Castleman

    I don't know my pin

    i will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  16. Castleman

    forgot pin, and pass on second account

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  17. Castleman

    Forgot Pin

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  18. Castleman

    forgot pin

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  19. Castleman

    Refund request ingame.

    I will submit a ticket for you and see if this is possible. This can take some time so please be patient
  20. Castleman

    orginal account from 2017 would like to recover

    I will submit a ticket for a PIN/Pass reset. this can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience, Ramzi will respond to this post when it has been completed.
  21. Castleman

    losy my pin - iron elve

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  22. Castleman

    I forgot my pin

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  23. Castleman

    I forgot my password

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  24. Castleman

    Account name you lost PASS/PIN: Lord pencil

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience
  25. Castleman

    Forgot my pin

    I will submit a ticket for you, this process can take 24-48 hours. Thank you for your patience