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About Jaedmo

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  1. Jaedmo

    Ironman Exp in Wildy

    I've noticed in Wildy/Kharazi that Ironmen get no experience when attacking people. This makes it so tough to know when to spec. Could you please change this so Exp pops up. This can easily be done so instead of full exp it's the same exp as x1 rsps rate. So we can actually determine what we hit. I.E You get 200 exp for a 50 hit.
  2. Jaedmo

    Little bit of venting

    ???? You came to pk me and I greeted you saying "Hey man, how's the family" The fuck are you on about.
  3. Jaedmo

    Little bit of venting

    I wonder why you posted this.. Oh nevermind, got it
  4. Hi, I completed the Jungle Demon daily today and my bank was full. Upon leaving the jungle I got the Ultimate Prize Box and Bag of Riches but didn't get the epic crystal key, ty.
  5. If you want gear you have to go to the wilderness. Legit 60-70% of the gear you need for end-game is wilderness content. Gl getting anywhere without it. You don't get a choice.
  6. Absolutely, if they want to ruin the legitimacy of their ironman they can. That doesn't bother me one bit. I don't think Ironmen should have to pray someone does less than 15% damage on a boss (which is pretty easy to do). It just means Ironmen can get crashed literally anywhere and can't do anything about it. Ironman is mostly about getting achievements by yourself, if someone wants to use another account to help them, it's just making their experience fake.
  7. There doesn't need to be a pking scene, that's what SPK is for. People will pk no matter what, if they want to, they shouldn't HAVE to for some stupid achievement that is hundreds of hours for 2.5k rune-x points. This is an rsps , if an Ironman does more damage they should get the kill lol, and I get the Kharazi thing but it's still frustrating.
  8. Regarding the Killcount/killstreak achievement. I genuinely think it makes Runex a much worse server. Rune-x's main advertisement slogan is that it's the best Economy server around at the moment. Which I agree, the eco is great and that is attributed to the Trading post being amazing. However, adding an achievement to get 500 kills and a killstreak of 50 prevents this slogan from being true. While it's a cool attempt to boost the wilderness activity, it's not boosting anything other than Pkers killing anyone they see for a killcount. Rarely will you ever see people consistently Edgeville pking for this achievement, rather scanning the wilderness up and down for any person that's an easy kill on their Achievement. Whether it's a person in full void killing Ankous, or a helpless ironman (me) runecrafting at the Cursed Cavern. The achievement encourages and limits people who simply want the complete the achievement list to persistently get below-par kills and it makes the server as a whole look worse, considering it's Eco, not a Pking server. This achievement is tryign to force wilderness activity too much, this is not SPK, this is Rune-X eco... Don't limit the players by adding stupid achievements like this that realistically -- 500 kills for 2 crystal keys and 2.5k runex points? Wtf. All it does is encourage achievement hunters to ruin other people's experience of the game by killing them when they know they'll receive nothing but a +1 on the killcount. As for Ironman restrictions. Ironman is a struggle on this server. Which is great, but it can also be annoying. For eg, Almost every piece of gear that's in any way beneficial/end-game goals for an ironman being in the wildy or requiring a ridiculous grind to get (Kharazi, Cursed Gear, Nardah Equipment). I don't care about that stuff, I would love for it to be less-wilderness required but at the end of the day I chose the mode. The one thing that annoys me about Ironman, is the fact we can't get drops if someone else damages something AT ALL. There's no point in this, I get that you want to make Ironman's legit and you don't want people helping them PvM etc, but why not. It just limits Ironmen so much to the point where if I'm doing a boss slayer task and someone else comes along, I HAVE to leave. There's no point in me staying, that's ruining my experience because they just damage it once and then boom, there goes the kill and loot. As an example, yesterday I went to kharazi, Kharazi itself is a cancer as fuck grind, but in my 10 mins of Player protection, I had a player following me around the jungle attacking everything I attacked, preventing me from getting any loot, wasting my 10 minutes. I get the desire to make Ironman mode hard, but that's just un-necessary, make it hard, it's already hard, don't make it impossible to do any content if a regular player is there. /rant over
  9. Jaedmo

    Urgent Announcement

    Pathetic. This isn't something anyone should ever have to worry about lol. Get your security under control.
  10. I'd love see boss instances added. Right now it's so hard to find a place to boss as an Ironman because it's taken 70% of the time. And if it's not, you stay for all of 5 minutes before a guy comes. And as an Ironman it's incredibly annoying when someone comes because that means regardless of if you do more damage you don't get any loot. tl;dr Add instances or make it so ironmen can get loot even if the monster is damaged by someone else.
  11. Astral Runes/Cosmic Runes TOPIC: Runecrafting/Pvm SUGGESTION: Add Cosmics/Astrals to Boss Drops/high level slayer Monster drops. REASON: It's way too tedious to craft thousands and thousands for an achievement that gives fuck all. Blowpipe TOPIC: Blowpipe SUGGESTION: Buff Blowpipe REASON: Heard it was shit, something that you're meant to grind Zulrah for is apparently dreadful. Buff it and make it useful instead of CHC dominating it when it's 200m for main accounts. Barrows TOPIC: Minigame SUGGESTION: Lower the defence and Buff the drop rate of the Barrows Brothers. REASON: The brothers are extremely hard to hit, it's meant to be a mid-level minigame, I miss 50% of the hits with Chaotic Rapier, Torso, Ddef etc. The drop rate is incredibly low. I myself have done 33 Barrows trips and have received 1 piece of barrows. With Supreme boost and Ring of Wealth (i) boosts. For armour that's meant to be t70 it's stupidly rare.
  12. Jaedmo

    Client Downloading Issue

    Fixed it because i'm a genius. Ty for everyone's help.
  13. Jaedmo

    Client Downloading Issue

    Still have the issue..
  14. Jaedmo

    Client Downloading Issue

    All of the repair tools just delete the cache and make me redl it lol. Then the same issue happens it's pointless.