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Everything posted by Nuke

  1. Nuke

    Donor transfer request

    Hi, I would like to transfer donor ranks from: "Newk" "Nook" And "Starbucks" (all iron accounts) To my main iron "nuke" Yet to pay the 30b cash, but im ready to do so. Thanks
  2. Nuke

    Reset magic exp

    Hello, Today I gained magic exp on my alt. Normally I check when explock is on / off before I do combat (check if I can use an explamp) But today I was distracted for some reason and totaly forgot about it... I know this is a weird request but it would mean a lot to me if anyone could look into this and fix my stats? reset my magic exp . ign : Nook (This is my defence account on prime mode, that I put a lot of work into) Thanks for your time! Nuke out
  3. Thanks for putting in the work on this, ill try it out for sure
  4. Nuke

    Donation Transfer

    Hello, I would like to transfer total donated (1300$) from the account "nook" to "nuke". Thanks for your time! Nuke.
  5. Nuke

    The Conservationist

    I like the idea. Had a hard time understanding the post, maybe put it all into simple words for noobs like me? Ty for the suggestion. +1
  6. Nuke

    RIng of greed

    Today 3th of september I noticed my ring of greed was not in my bank... Checked perdo and stuff and was not able to find it, any change to look into this? Thanks for helping me out. Nuke
  7. Nuke

    RIng of greed

    Thank you Sir, didnt release that was a thing...
  8. Nuke

    Corpethereal Spawn Idea

    +1 make this happen asap please
  9. Nuke

    Money Maker Guide Series- Ankous #1

    Thanks for this useful guide Alpha! Will try this one out soon best brim and wildy task guide would be very nice to see! looking forward to seeing more guides like this. Tactical Nuke out
  10. Nuke

    Hello guys

    Welcome to runex! If you need any help on your prime Iron man, hit me up in game! My name in game is nuke. Good Luck!
  11. Nuke

    Most wanted/needed guides?

    Would be very helpful! Maybe a guide about the best runecoin items and how to grind for them? Boss points, best bosses to grind / hour... Idk some ideas πŸ˜…
  12. Nuke

    New Possible Event

    Maybe make it like rs3, they have every 3-5 days (not Sure) a minigame spotlight. We have some possible rotation for this on runex. This way raids and other things would be more active for some time. On the reward question I dont really have a suggestion. The mid level gear would be a good addation, like you mentioned. I support the idea.
  13. Nuke

    Event Rewards Suggestion

    Thanks for making this post +1 hope the summer event gets some changes.
  14. Nuke

    Barbarian Skilling Outfits

    +1 would love to see this added tbh
  15. Nuke

    Hardcore Ironman

    Just remove the 100 killstreak and replace it with something else, I dontο»Ώ mind going for 100 player kills. UIM / HCIM & IM should always be a challange. We have the raids and other wildy achievements to make it challanging. Atm I completed 197 achievements. I have no motivation to continue the comp grind. And im closing in on the 100 days played mark. To get back on this suggestion -1. I dont want get it removed completely, +1 to keep the tot player kills and remove 100 killstreak with a 10 - 25 one. ο»Ώο»Ώ - Nuke
  16. Nuke

    Zamorak Halo

    Yesterday I bought the zamorak halo with runecoins on my 1 defence account. (MOAB) Turns out you need 10 defence to wear it... On osrs halo's dont have any defence requirements to wear them. Simple suggestion, change te defence req to 1 so pures can wear them.
  17. Nuke

    Goals for prime ironman

    Good luck Simon!
  18. Nuke

    End Game

    After maxing my prime iron I lost interest in this game. I dont have all the bis items by far tho. The grind for max and achievements were enjoyable, but after that there is not much left go for. We got some new items in shops with high reqs for ironman. Its not even worth spending my time getting items and gambeling them for a 25% chance. I would like to see these shops changed and give irons something to grind for thats worth it and not incrediblely rare. This server has potential, I keep comming back time after time. We just need some good updates and less p2w things in game. Anyway, hope to see some changes soon! Nuke a lost prime ironman and the personal dentist of the great olm. (Spelling and grammar mistakes, im aware of them) Cheers
  19. Nuke

    zulrah droprates borke

    just keep grinding my man, I have 2500kc atm, still going for my blowpipe... Soon the grind will be over for us both! Greetings Nuke
  20. Nuke

    PvP Tournament - 17th Feb. 11PM(GMT)

    Ill join the battle grounds
  21. Nuke

    Late Night Staff

    Make Logical staff again, we need more staffermans late at night, it is as easy as that!
  22. Nuke


    I have 3k+ charms (each type) on my prime after maxing, just do slayer for charms, prime is a grind I know but you will get there! Also use cata tokens / cb tokens, good luck
  23. Nuke

    Fused Slayer Helmet

    +1 love it