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About karlyla

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    Advanced Member

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  1. karlyla

    Client broken on mac

    So I did the following in this order: Re-downloaded u231 Next followed your terminal prompts: Lastly redownloaded Runex jar, clicked on Play Now, and the the two jar files momentarily stayed in place, then disappeared. I think I will use my windows computer in the meantime, thanks for the help. Please let me know if you have any other updates to the issue. Thanks! K.
  2. karlyla

    Client broken on mac

    I ever since the latest update, I cannot get runex to run without closing on itself ever since the new update. I've already tried looking at this thread: But it has been of very little help the broken image links, I simply tried the jar repair tool, and it did not work on the client either. I tried every option in its menu screen including other and none of them seem to work at all, the jar client windows both closed persistently and simultaneously. I then tried another thread: And followed through the instructions but the client still continues to close on it self after the initial client screen pops up. As soon as I hit Play Now, the client is briefly there then closes on both jar windows just closes on its own. -- I have tried using both u221 and u231, both do not work for me. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, K.
  3. karlyla

    [December 19th, 2019] Winter Event 2019

    So does this mean the furnace at ::dzone will never be fixed for ring crafting?
  4. karlyla

    Looting bag

    No support. Grand looting bag already features this.
  5. karlyla

    [November 23rd, 2019] Patch notes

    @Ryan Why is that Crafting rings is still not fixed at ::dzone? Ever since it was revamped for the worse, I have not been able to craft any rings at the furnace. PLEASE FIX THIS.
  6. karlyla

    [October 17th, 2019] Halloween Event 2019

    @Ryan Please fix the furnace at ::dzone for ring crafting, it is still broken since the ::dzone was updated until now it has not been functioning, please fix this !!!
  7. karlyla

    Forging ring

    I absolutely disagree with this suggestion. 99 smithing / max cape already reduce the amount of coal used to make bars by 50%. On top of that, coal is so easily obtainable and abundant in this server (kill cockatrices or slugs in frem dungeon, even raids). I don't know / understand why this would be help or should be even implemented. Sure it saves a couple of inventory slots, but it's not something I feel like I should be implemented. Additionally as a side note, an enchanted ruby ring (ring of forging) does work for making / creating 100% iron bars from ores.
  8. Why is the furnace still broken at ::Dzone???!!! I can't craft any rings at all, which resorts me to having to use the one at ::Home PLEASE FIX THIS. IT HAS BEEN LIKE THIS SINCE ::DZONE WAS UPDATED FOR THE WORSE. On a side note, thank you actually implementing my suggestion:
  9. karlyla

    Broken Furnace

  10. karlyla

    Broken Furnace

    Why can you not use the furnace at ::dzone to craft rings? Please fix this! Also can you please fix the superheat spell to function to count towards skilling tasks? K.
  11. karlyla

    Solution to Catacombs Overcrowding

    Please make the entire dungeon instanced
  12. karlyla

    My Progress 4

    Hi everyone, it has been some time since I last posted my progress. I've been busy with school (just graduated) and now working full-time, so not much time to play. It's hard to believe that I've been playing this server for almost 2 years now, and I hope all enjoy my progress from November 2018 to now. *Disclaimer* : Absolutely nothing is for sale, none of the items were obtained through means of donating or gambling. December 2018: My first GCP2 from mole Completed my 100th task Made my own corrupted bracelet (i) Made my 2nd SGS Best thing I've ever gotten from event mystery box: Made my first Vorkath Max Cape January 2019: After MANY unsuccessful attempts and lots of wasted RP, I finally made this: February 2019: Encountered my first Superior Horror Made the new useless slayer (e) staff Got a low KC Drake Claw on new content release day March 2019: Bought my most expensive item: Saguinest Staff, thanks Nickoo Back to back whip drops on the same day playing 150th total tasks completed Finally completed 1k C keys achievement Boring day but got a double totem drop April 2019: Encountered my first King Kurask The rich get richer - smh Achieved 200m ranged xp .. finally and still no T Bow My highest magic hit May and June were a blur with finals and graduation right around the corner, let's skip to July... July 2019: Back to back visage drops on the same day Made my first infernal axe I completed my 99th easy task - forget what I got Soon after I completed 100th easy task Some high hits at Chaos Mummy August 2019: Received my first shoulder monkey from urn, after spending 2.6b from some guy I forget the name of..oh well you lose some you gain some Made a Thermo (i) ring Made 2 imbuing stones to craft my kharazi ring (i) New damage out put with kharazi ring (i) Bank as of 8/15/2019 Alt Bank: My bandos set and some other misc. melee gear is used on yet another alt. My POH storage space is also filled, but did not feel the need to show it as it does not have much as my storage alt. Thank you for reading / viewing, and until next time. K.
  13. karlyla

    Superheat to Skilling Task

    Please add this to count towards smithing related tasks for bars. I hate the new ::dzone smithing arrangement so please add this in the next QoL fix. K.
  14. karlyla

    [July 24th, 2019] Summer QoL Update

    Why do black dragons not drop their respective bones and black dragon hides at ::dzone???
  15. karlyla

    Ring of Law Bug
