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About fastboy50

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  1. I did a full event chest clear on lil ranger t1 and t2. My inv was empty so it filled up with all the items from the event chest. After completion i wanted to take out the t2 chest rewards from my bank. Then i noticed my bank was full and atleast the full t2 chest items didnt end up in my bank. I didnt had them in my inv and i checked to see if they were dropped on the ground but that wasnt aswell. I relogged my account to see it they would and up in the box were daily rewards drop in aswell but this didnt happen. So basicly the t2 rewards are gone. I talked with sock about it and he told me to make a ticket about it
  2. fastboy50

    pin reset pkragger

    Hello, i forgot the pin from my account pkragger. Is it possible to reset it for me ? Thanks alot.
  3. fastboy50

    pin lost fastboy50

    Account name fastboy50 pin: I like to have my PIN reset:
  4. fastboy50


    Yes the same as for fastboy50 and lil ranger. I've put the pins in a long time ago and i dont remember them anymore
  5. fastboy50

    fastboy 50 pin forgotten

    Hello, Ive put a pin on my acc. I tried to logg in on a different pc then my pc @home. Can you delete the pin from my acc ?
  6. fastboy50


    Hello, I logged in and found out i had a pin on my acc. Is it possible to get rid of this ?
  7. fastboy50


    Hello, I logged in and found out i had a pin on my acc. Is it possible to get rid of this ?
  8. fastboy50

    Revenant Ether

    I hate that to. Wildy shouldnt be full afkable.
  9. fastboy50

    Revenant Ether

    I agree on the ether grind thats really awfull. They should upgrade the ether drop or increase the droprate of the bracelets. Ive been grinding them a little to and ive got like 10 braces in like 700-800 kills or so. I dont agree on wildy contact to be afkble. That should make it way to easy to get cash. Atm a rev weapon hit cost 2 ether maybe decrease it to 1 so its a little bit more value to the ether thats so hard to get already
  10. fastboy50

    New Slayer helms

    Its true that we have weapons to boost damage in the wildy. Such as the wilderness weapons though. its way to hard to get a decent amount of rev ether to supply such use of those weapons. So in my opinion you can get like a damage boost in some sort or upgrade the rev droptable so its worth grinding for ether to provide in the wildy slayer. At the moment im grinding wildy slayer task and some are just impossible to complete in time. I'm talking about boss tasks due the lack of damage and its not that i have really shitty gear or some sort. Furter i agree totally with your post
  11. fastboy50

    fix morrigans jav value

    While rushing some people i found out morrigans jav protect like over everything. Tried to upgrade some gear but it over protected an anguish, pega boots, ranger ammy.
  12. fastboy50

    Wildy Slayer upgrade

    After a break i've been back and i started wildy slayer to make some bank. i found out slayer tasks havent been changed or i had some bad rng. The tasks i got were: abby demons, ankou and chaos druid warrior. Is it possible to expand the various wildy slayer tasks? Like add: lava dragons, frost dragons, revs, lava demon, lava giant, vetion, venenatis, callisto, ents, chaos ele. In this way you have some more possible slayer tasks. Makes it more fun to grind and can be rewarded in different kind of drops from tasks. Now wildy slayer and regular slayer have the same shop. Maybe there is a way to split these slayers apart from each other with different rewards ? Because wildy slayer still brings some danger with it. But the wildy slayer rewards should be focussed on wildy like: cursed items, blood money, lava featers, random spins for pvp gear ? maybe some now cosmetics? Maybe this will upgrade the activity in the wilderness aswell. I hope you guys understand what i mean got a lot of idea's for this.
  13. fastboy50

    Cursed Blood Map

    Ooh yea thats new mb
  14. fastboy50

    Cursed Blood Map

    It does because pkers can see the white dots with this idea.
  15. fastboy50

    Cursed Blood Map

    I think this idea only benefits the maxed nh pkers in cursed caverns. I think pvmers in the cursed cavern can even found faster by pkers. So the cursed cavern will bleed out i think because its not worth beeing in there anymore if you get ragged al the time. For now you can hide a bit in the darkness of not having a map around.