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Everything posted by Nickoo

  1. Nickoo

    i need help asap

    do ::staff in game, or message them through the RuneX discord
  2. Nickoo

    Sacred Accessories

    +1 completely, I rarely get a sacred accessory drop, maybe 1.5k per sacred token drop. Needs to be updated.
  3. Nickoo

    Hide and seek [FINISHED]

    Thanks fellas!
  4. Nickoo

    Hide and seek [FINISHED]

    Good luck!
  5. Nickoo

    [EVENT] Playerbase Suggestion

    Big ol Negative
  6. Nickoo

    Future of updates.

    epic +1
  7. Nickoo

    Ticket Clearance Rate

    I figured he would already able to do tickets, otherwise whats the purpose of having him be admin?
  9. Nickoo


    :^) love it!
  10. Nickoo

    Blake/Logicals Forum Moderator Application

    Very Strong +1, Logical has always been very "logical" (heh heh) And always has done what was best for the server in my opinion. I feel like Logical would play a valuable staff member and would benefit the server. I would absolutely love to see Logical added back to the staff team. good luck!
  11. Nickoo

    PVP Suggestion

    First off, major +1 to Logical, also big -1 for @Vise for trying to piggy back someone elses suggestion because his own cannot get any attention shame.
  12. Very Nice!!! keep up the good work!
  13. Can you give more of an explanation on how you lost it and when you lost it? It will help them track it down in the logs and kinda let them know how to patch it for future users, do you remember what you were doing when you lost it? More details the better I'm sure staff will assist you soon, Good luck and i hope your golden boi gets returned to you soon!
  14. Nickoo

    Zenyte Gems

  15. Nickoo

    PvP Tournament - 19th. Nov 9pm

    This is gonna be great!!!! ign: Nickoo
  16. Nickoo

    Organized bonkermen

    Nice bank! Share, I tb'd
  17. Nickoo

    Hello RuneX!

    Welcome to RuneX, Feel free to PM me if you need help with anything!
  18. Nickoo

    Castleman Introduction

    Welcome to runex noob.
  19. Nickoo

    How did I not notice this?

  20. Nickoo

    chaos mummy and luck tokens

    What he said ^