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About Shereact

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  1. Shereact

    Forgot Account Pin

    thank you!
  2. Shereact

    Forgot Account Pin

    I haven't logged in since the halloween event and I tried logging into it and I needed to put in my account pin but I can't seem to remember what it was. I have tried all the options on what I thought it would be...could I do a verification that this is my account and possibly reset it or maybe you can delete it so I can take it from there? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
  3. Shereact

    Elite Clue issue

    I appreciate the help ally and Ryan!
  4. Shereact

    Elite Clue issue

    so does this mean that the clue will work? just to clarify
  5. Shereact

    Elite Clue issue

    yes reaperthor9 has the scroll still on his account
  6. Shereact

    Elite Clue issue

    it was the treasonous ring (i) not ring of wealth (i) but the rest is correct yes. we alched the boots already and they counted but the rune plate bodies would not count toward the clue
  7. Shereact

    Elite Clue issue

    Not to mention that I have donated $100 to this server and Reaperthor9 has donated $25. So we really like this server and hope to be treated fairly regarding this matter. Thank you.
  8. Shereact

    Elite Clue issue

    My buddy Reaperthor9 got a master task bottle and asked me to help. we opened it to get an elite clue. We got it and spent a lot of money getting the 4 bandos boots to alch, the 1360 rune bars to make 272 rune plate bodies and spent 25k runex points to imbue the ring we needed to wear...with this clue being bugged I would feel that a refund should be in order considering a lot of time and money was invested in this. We were told to drop it but then we would be about 250m in the hole...because after the update was done we still can't get the plate bodies to count...if you have any input on this please message me or comment on here. We were so excited to actually be able to do this clue and we feel cheated out of it...really appreciate your time reading this and hope to hear from you soon.