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Everything posted by Igot950k

  1. Igot950k

    Scammed for items

    Didn't end up getting screenshots so this is probably a redundant thread. I ended up lending Auex cursed blade, torture ammy, tassets, and claws while I was going to be away. He took the items and screwed me over. Cant find any screenshots so I know the items are lost but hopefully can get a staff member to trace back the logs for the items. The time I traded was around 1-3pm central time on Friday. Hope it works out but most likely not
  2. Igot950k

    Scammed for items

  3. Igot950k

    Transfer Donator ranks

    Looking to transfer 100$ of igot950k and have it go to ebola. Can provide proof of login when needed. if i cant just transfer part of the donation ill transfer all of the donations
  4. Igot950k

    Transfer Donator ranks

    Get on and ill give you the cash, just got 100m
  5. Igot950k

    Transfer Donator ranks

    Yeah its from igot950k and its to ebola. i do meet the requirements
  6. Igot950k

    Reworking of some rules

    I am not one to complain about rules as they are set out to mediate the server, but while taking a look at the new set of rules there are a few that I don't understand/do not agree with. This is just my opinion and this post is just to see what others think about on this topic and have the server come to terms with some of the rules so its fair for all. Risk Fighting rules: There are some parts of this that I don't think are reasonable in any sense. When it comes to going to the wilderness its a fair game to kill all players regardless on what they are doing. "Pjing a risk fight", if a player is in the wilderness there shouldn't be any immunity from other players, make a 10 second delay after a kill if you want a rule but having it being an offence is stupid. Don't go wildy if you don't want the chance of dying after a fight, go to the duel arena and fight so there isn't another person waiting to kill you after. I agree with the "Standing under a risk fight" and "Disobeying agreed rules" because that can give someone the upper hand in the fight. In summary I think that if your in the wildy anything goes because if you are super sensitive about dying after a fight then maybe don't pk or go duel arena. Staff Disrespect: This rules is one I have never had trouble with as I respect the staff 90% of the time. With that being said though I think that there needs to be a line with what's okay and what's unacceptable. I hear stories and see people getting mad about some little thing and staff seem to instantly go and punish said player (I haven't had experience with this but giving a general suggestion). There should be a line where the staff tolerates things and where people need to be muted. I think that if you cant take some flaming and some insults then you shouldn't be staff because not everyone is going to like you and you have to have some tolerance for sour people. Then again if there is a person who just keep going then a mute is fine. These are all my opinions and some may/may not agree and that's total fine. Also English was not my strong suit so there is probably many grammatical errors. Thanks, Igot950k
  7. Igot950k

    Reworking of some rules

    If you aren't willing to risk 2b in the wildy don't go wildy then. Go duel if you don't wanna get pjed and died. Make a pj timer. Everything you said about that can be solved without making a rule out of it. Don't wanna risk and die then don't pk plain and simple.
  8. Igot950k

    Reworking of some rules

    I never said ive had any problems with the staff, I'm more or less going off of what people are saying. And the whole boss thing is out of context but I get where you are going with it.