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  1. po

    Double Xp Weeked.

    What sort of interaction? Right now you will get the most tbh, since it is the start, Ryan, and other admins, plus a lot of staff are on all the time, unlike spawnpk.
  2. po

    Want to switch mode

    This is a good feature, I don't know why the mods asked for the switching of modes to be removed. A lot of people can misjudge the speed of levelling in a certain mode (hence the complaints about prime on the forums), choose the wrong mode by accident, of just flat out change their mind. I think there needs to be a way to change mode.
  3. po

    Double Xp Weeked.

    Well it's up to the owners tbh, but for the long time I have played Spawnpk, I can only remember there being 1 double xp weekend. Although everyone would like it, it has it's benefits and disadvantages for the server.
  4. po

    Double Xp Weeked.

    What about 1.5x xp saturdays? Maybe that would still be appealing, but make it less easy.
  5. po

    withdraw all but 1

  6. Thanks very much man!
  7. po

    Crystal Halberd

    If you think Crystal Halberd is overpowered, wait until spirit shields start coming into the game. Crystal Halberd will hit jack shit on an elysian.
  8. po

    Two Most Recent Pieces

    Hahaha, I know, when I run adobe products my pc just crashes LOL. It's annoying because whenever I want to edit a picture I can't use photoshop.
  9. I did this for a part of my GCSE art course. If you don't know what a GCSE is..
  10. po

    Two Most Recent Pieces

    Nice work, I don't have photoshop anymore (that will change soon, hopefully), since my computer is about 9 years old. But I guess I can post some old work.
  11. po

    Crystal Halberd

    Maybe if Ryan comes up with a new boss, or someone suggests one. That could drop it.
  12. po

    Crystal Halberd

    Yes I agree, maybe it should be put as a drop, instead of in the achievement shop, perhaps the achievement shop could sell an un-spiked halberd for 25 points. And KBD, or daganoths, could drop the crystal spike which you could add to the halberd? But making it un-useable in the wilderness is a stupid idea.
  13. po

    Crystal Halberd

    Its not overpowered lmao, people only use it because runex is very early on, there are no good spec weapons yet. Yes, you can 1 hit someone if they are not at full hp, however it is extremely inaccurate. If everyone had an ags, the crystal halberd would be non-existent. I agree it should cost more points, like maybe 65? However if you want to talk about overpowered items, what the fuck is divine lmao?
  14. po

    Prime Achivement and RuneX Points

    First of all it takes about 3 days of playing to max on normal mode. And how am I salty? I am just stating the truth. When you select your game mode you are told exactly what you get, then you come and complain about it on the forums. Asking for your game mode to be easier lmao. And you say "every single post about prime", well actually I agree with the 'primezone' suggestion, and the comments to that post, even though I am not prime. It seems like you're being salty. If you don't want to take 'months to get to the point of pvming', and you want to do it on 'day 1', then play a different game mode, other than prime.
  15. po

    Nickoo's introduction!!

    I See you've moved over to join us criminals. Kappa