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Sir Wiggles

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About Sir Wiggles

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  1. Sir Wiggles

    Forgotten my pin

    @Ralph much appreciated but i made one mistake in thinking it was a 6 digit code, a silly error on my part. i have recovered it, so i wont be needing this anymore but thank you for the fast response/ticket submission it was much appreciated
  2. Sir Wiggles

    Forgotten my pin

    i have forgotten my pin, i have tried all of the combinations that i could think of but still no luck.
  3. Sir Wiggles

    a problem with my client(i seem to be the only one)

    i have a issue with the client too and it is worse, it won't even begin to load or update. i was playing on runex today so i'm not sure what has heppend from then to now but i dont know what else to try other than re-downloading the client and re-installing java. https://gyazo.com/5e73746a2c142f8d37f08d0cb0640534 ---- it just stays on this screen, won't load or update.
  4. So basically how it will work, there are special/unique ranks and untradeable items that you get for giving money to a staff member to take out of the economy so it will keep the economy more stable and you get a reward for doing so, the last server I played had this too and the economy was very stable but due to owner's personal issues the server was stopped. The ranks increase the more you donate to be removed and with each rank you get new/unique items like armour dyes,new cosmetic or skilling armour and other custom items that are untradeable or you could make it a token system so you can trade 1b coins for 1m tokens or whatever rates you would like but the idea is to make it quite expensive for items people want and can only get from this system. items to possibly add to the store: Nex items (Torva, Virtus, Pernix) / New armour sets Armour/Weapon Dyes New Skilling items (armours/skilling tools) New dyes for cosmetic items (Phats, Santa's, Sleds etc ) or any other items you want in the shop. New weapons (katana or other custom weapons etc) I only make this suggestion as a lot of people are talking about a economy reset and that will be the last thing anyone who plays the server wants to happen.
  5. Sir Wiggles

    Quality of Life suggestions - We need you!

    i would like to see more diverse armour in the future, a few options maybe the "nex" items such as torva or some custom armour sets. I agree with slump with the donations but there should be a donation stop between £100 and £500 as i feel its quite a big gap what i would also like to see in the future is more server wide events like the frost jad on xmas and the Enormous mole, this isn't limited to fighting bosses. some skilling server wide events would be awesome too.