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Aieron last won the day on November 20 2017

Aieron had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

3 Neutral


About Aieron

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday January 15

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  1. I was able to remember my password and login and play; I would like to cancel my support ticket, and thank you for your time.
  2. Aieron

    Forgot Password - Aieron

    Account name you lost PASS/PIN: Aieron I like to have my PIN/PASS reset: Please reset or tell me what it is; I use too many passwords and can't remember which one I used.
  3. Aieron


    Hello everyone! I last played a long time ago, and kinda quit due to real-life issues and now I'm back for now to enjoy rsps again. Finished university, found my other half, and have started things as they should be. Currently working on remembering my password since it's been so long and then I hope to see you all in-game!
  4. Aieron

    Goodbye, this time for good

    I've left in the past for a little mandatory breaks here and there, but this one is going to be permanent. I'm finishing up my studies and changing my outlooks and attitudes towards life and what it may bring. I'm going to focus on my career and hopefully finding someone to start a family with, along with taking care of myself physically and mentally. I've played many servers since starting them in 2005 and starting Runescape in 2000, but Runex remains my favorite runescape private-server to date. Great community, great staff, great bosses, great content, and awesome updates. Wishing continued success to the server and all of its inhabitants. Best of luck to everybody in-game and out-of-game and I hope you all enjoy whatever it is that you're doing or going to do with your life. Thanks for all of the good times. Catch ya on the flip side. Sincerely, Aieron/Nick
  5. Aieron

    Hey All

  6. Aieron


  7. Aieron

    Hello Runex

    Welcome! You picked a good server to start out on!
  8. Aieron

    Time to say Hey?

    Welcome Tim!
  9. Aieron

    Vote Event! (Thursday, Nov. 23rd) - Wayne

    wayne suc
  10. Aieron

    Application for backend coding

    It's a no from me, cowboy.
  11. Aieron


    I agree that superior slayer monsters should be added, but for all players, not just vips
  12. Aieron

    Thesickone Staff application

    No support, don't see you in-game too much or actively assisting others in the help cc. Also a little lacking on forum activity. So, increase forum activity and increase help cc usefulness and you'll have a better shot next time.
  13. 1. Desired staff position: Server Support 2. Your name (first name would suffice): Nick 3. Your age: 21 4. Your location: United States 5. Average amount of gameplay hours per day: 4hrs-12hrs 6. Why you should receive the position: I feel that I would do well as a server support because I enjoy helping others out with whatever their issues are. I do my best to help everybody and if I can't figure it out or don't know it myself, I will utilize all available resources to make sure the individual is positively helped. I've been playing Runescape since 2000 and Private Servers since 2005 and I plan on sticking with Runex (as I have) and would love to be able to help people more. Thank you.