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  1. M

    May be a farewell from me, runex.

    If you decide to leave, don't give the bank away to anyone, just keep it. You know you'll return, just like you did the last time you tried to quit. When you returned, you told me you regret giving your bank away, because now you had to start over. The same will happen this time too if you give it out. Even if it is to friends. When you've put a lot of time and energy in a game, it's really hard to quit, specially if you had a lot of fun playing it, and put a lot of hard work on your progression. Even if you come back to just chat with people, it's always nice to see your bank being in tact and whole.
  2. You don't have to be afraid of zulrah spawning snakelings unless it's the blue zulrah you're fighting, the ranged and melee version of zulrah does not spawn snakelings, only the mage version. Also, whenever the range version (green) is on the right or left side of you, he can throw magic, but he will never do that if he's infront of you or behind you.
  3. M

    Bugged placeholders

    Hey! I was just fooling around in my bank today when I noticed that my placeholders were in two seperate tabs. Basically what happens is that whenever you make a placeholder, you want to be able to empty your whole inventory into the bank and see the items fall in their placeholders. Well, for me atleast that's not the case. If I make a placeholder for an item, for example dragon boots. I make the placeholder in tab 1, then I go get something from tab 2. If tab 2 is open when I put my dragon boots in the bank, they will be placed in the open tab in the bank. If you now go back to the tab you had the first placeholder, you will see that it is in BOTH tabs, tab 1 and 2. I checked if that was a way to duplicate the item, but it's not, when you remove them from one of the tabs you remove them from both, but the placeholders are now in two tabs. If you remove one of the now two placeholders, you will remove them both. So basically the placeholders aren't working as they are suppose to. -Disc