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Everything posted by Safi

  1. Safi

    mom im famous

    https://prnt.sc/jeje2t Looks like im famous now 8) edit 1: http://prntscr.com/jejgi0 we back boys edit 2: http://prntscr.com/jeji1x geez im edgy
  2. Safi

    Expanding on the F2P areas

    They are just trying to eat and live just like the rest of us, you cold hearted monster #LongLiveAllImps
  3. Safi

    Le new Summer thingy event thingy

    this hurt to watch
  4. Safi

    sick bronze 5 league team

    looking for team am bronze 5 name "Safiii" Have friend who mains ADC Mundo @fe siah
  5. Safi

    Siahs staff app

    +1 Active player with a sense of humor who is knowledgable about game content
  6. Safi

    Amazing PK Loot

    I will have to contact my legal team which consists of @Ryan and @Raw but they're on my side because i donated 5 dollars to their charity poker game to support runex's needy
  7. Safi

    Time to DeIron

    donor box = donated for box = pay to win sorry lzr
  8. Safi

    Time to DeIron

    So you have a white partyhat? Pay to win loser reported to get removed form hiscores ::topic 3415
  9. Safi

    Amazing PK Loot

    bigger betrayal than when my mom beat me for getting beat up
  10. Safi

    Can't Compete

  11. Safi

    Safi Staff Application

    old but gold
  12. Safi

    :(){ :|:& };:

    Welcome to the game and gratz on 99 mage on that prime friend
  13. Safi


    welcome to the chili's ill be ur waiter pm me with ur order
  14. Safi

    request: dab emote 2.0

    I have said this before and i'll say it again add a dab emote @Ryan You will make bank, if you sell it at 20 dollars we will all buy it plz add fast
  15. Safi

    Howdy partners.

    Yeehaw a true cowboy, welcome to the server
  16. Safi

    FireCape Jad Guide

    Nice guide overall however, you should add the normal magic book and lunar book so ya boys don't get confused 8)
  17. Safi

    Trials of RuneX

    i support if you team with me otherwise i don't not trying to lose
  18. Safi

    Vise Staff Application 2.5

    +1 from me idk how your still not staff on here yet mate
  19. Safi

    Mod Bussiness

    +Rep great candidate please give him admin already
  20. Safi

    Reporting Raw for Bug Abuse

    Riding a sled and there's no snow...?
  21. Safi

    Reporting Raw for Bug Abuse

    Sadly he has admin commands and can spawn snow on the server too... odd why isn't he IPed yet?
  22. Safi

    Reporting Safi for sexual harrassment.

    It was not me, you have the wrong user.
  23. Safi

    Vise Staff Application 2.0

    +Rep, been a solid member of the community since I met him back in July
  24. Safi

    Legit Bye Thread

    As title states last time I left for like a day or something this time it's a little more serious lol With school already started and my goal to do fairly well I'll have to leave Runex tiill I know I can handle the workload and am on a fair pace; while it will be difficult to remain logged out for a while I will hold myself to it because it is what needs to be done if I want to do well. I have appointed @piggy piggy to replace me until my return; if anyone needs to be bothered or trolled let him know and he will do it for me (I haven't asked him but this is just forced onto him now). I hope to see you all in December (at latest)
  25. Safi


    Back of the line there are others ahead of you KIDDO