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Posts posted by Bind

  1. I'll be the first to throw the -1.

    My reason is that I dont think you've really changed from who you used to be. An example would be when your friends were calling everyone that pked them pedophiles, you felt the need to join in on it(this can be seen on the discord, you edited your comment from 12 to 16.)(As well as when I made a comment to travis ingame about "who would attack travis" and you made another joke about being above a certain age limit.)


    You also don't handle situations really well. 


    I think if you actually had a positive attitude. I would have given you the +1, but with how you've acted since your return, I don't think you'd be a good fit.

  2. I do agree with this.

    The trading sticks should see a bit more use. I agree with adding jungle caskets to a shop, at a higher amount of sticks. Because lets be honest, they are much easier to obtain then BM on the island.

    As for the storage. I can see how confusion would arise. There is no information about how many slots are storage(you might be able to dig through some updates to possibly find one). So just increase the cap by +5 to fill the entire bank.

    I think instead of a crystal key, switch keys obtained on the island to "Jungle Crystal keys" that have a upgraded table(no log, due to how rare it is to get ckeys anways) but possibly new items such as a kharazi whip.. things like this, obviously the main rares would remain the same.

  3. Recently the wilderness bosses were updated to be more exclusive in the wilderness with having the main drops be moved to wilderness only.

    I'd like to propose we make a tad bit harder. Rather then a afk spot. 

    Currently we have 2-3 people at all times afk'ing the 3 bosses. Callisto being the main boss that's afked.


    I think these bosses should have mechanics added that make them not afk'able. Callisto having a mage attack, Vene having a ranged attack, and vet having a smash attack that will hit through prayer.


    The reason behind this suggestion is stop people from afk farming the crap out of these bosses. Callisto is probably the #1 reason we have GCP1's coming into game. 




    I could also get behind these bosses skulling players. This way we actually implement the "risk vs reward" reason on why it was removed to begin with. 

    • Like 1

  4. On 9/5/2018 at 9:00 PM, Logical said:

    I think it should be given the anti fire ability, but nothing more.

    I don't think the standard level of fire protection should protect you from bosses such as KBD, Vorkath or KLD. You'd have to have a DFS, lava pendant or pair up the wyvern shield with an antifire potion. 

    Have you ever had a dfs, ancient wyvern or ward before on osrs? They all act the same.

  5. Currently the Ancient Wyvern Shield doesn't protect against dragonfire, But the entire point of the shield was to be a magic version of the Dragonfire Shield.

    On Osrs the Ancient acts as a Anti-fire shield.


    So my ass walked into Olm office, sat on his Black Casting couch, and took his big old Olm *$&% for a 90 to the forehead. 


    I don't know why I wasted my time grinding the shield out(Ironman) to have it not protect me from Olm fires.


    Please fix. oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_wyvern_shield

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1

  6. 19 hours ago, Cierra said:

    Something that could happen, since there are so many custom achievements in the game already. Is the fact that it would be easy to add in something different, make it under achievements but they don’t matter towards regular achievements. Make them something like “Skilling Achievements”. 

    The basic idea of this is that you take a skill like Attack, Thieving, something of that sort and add a skilling achievement to it, that once you would do the achievement you would be rewarded with the Master skilling cape. 

    My idea on this would be to take the highest regular xp method of training a skill on PRIME Mode, and figure out how many clicks/hits/Laps/etc. it would take you to get to 99 in a skill for Prime mode.

    So I’m going to take thieving for example, Let’s say the highest XP rate per click when thieving is 1300 xp on prime mode, that would be 10,000 clicks on the NPC/TABLE. 

    Then of course you’d have to figure out how many clicks it would take to be able to go from Table/NPC each and just make an achievement table that would basically take a Prime to 1-99, like pickpocket the HAM member x amount of times, that would take you to x level and then you would be able to move on to the next NPC. 

    This would make it all fair, make people want to skill more overall, would be more challenging and be a higher tier for everyone. Because of course the big question popping up is Prime is 4.4m while Normal is 200m. But this way everyone has to work the same to get the cape, and no one would have the upper hand. 

    This would make you skill and want to work towards unlocking it, may not be worth it to normal/hard/supreme because obviously this would take you to 99 on a prime, but it would still be there as a option if a normal account wanted something to work towards. 

    I’m sure the amazing minds of the people of this server could change this around and make it even better than the way I said it/ worded it. Feel free to critique and criticize me if this is dumb.

    Sorry for any word mess ups or misspellings, writing this at 7:00 am with no sleep lol 


    Actually really impressed by the idea. I'll take this.

  7. 3 hours ago, Raw said:

    No support for varying particles however I support master capes for normals\hard acc's with 200m xp in a stat and supreme's\prime with 104m xp.

    That being said, experience rates shouldn't matter when it comes to Master Skillcapes. Mastering a skill is mastering a skill. Master capes are cosmetic anyway.


    3 hours ago, Logical said:

    If the particle effects aren't variant, I'd rather not have them, since 200m on a normal is astronomically easier that 150 achievements. I personally like particle effects to be prestigious. 

    I have to agree with logical on this. Getting 104m or 200m depending on what "ryan" would choose is way to easy for a normal/hard mode. Like Logical said, normals only need to obtain 4m xp on a prime to obtain these capes, while hards only have to obtain 12m. I personally wouldn't want someone who could play a few hours to obtain a cape that would take someone several weeks on prime to get.


    These capes would need a difference between each mode. With that being said.

    Normals - Would be a base cape, No trim, No particles.

    Hards - Would be the cape but with a trim, No particles

    Supreme - Would be a trimmed cape with particles matching the cape.

    Prime - Trim would be particles, and bottom of cape would have particles.

    • Like 1

  8. 5 hours ago, kegan said:

    kinda shitty.  people paid 500$ for set of benefits that were advertised for 500$ then it gets taken away.  its like buying a car and then after a month the dealer saying ohh u know we decided we need the wheels and tires back, good luck, or u can pay the advertised price again and get them back.


    also for those who say people donate to support the server and not for the benefits, i would agrue that 75% of donations made are from poorer players wanting a headstart or a boost to the "that item" they want so they donate and sell the bond to veterns who have all the items and just want the ranks.  so to tell someone that "you donated to support the server" would be wrong as most of the players with vip didnt donate to support the server but yet without them noone would be buying bonds therefore no one would donate for ingame currency as there wouldnt be a market.  


    this topic doesnt affect me at all and i have no preference over what happens to donor rank benefits, just stating how a normal player would view this.  it seems shady as fuck and questionable at best.

    Thank you. You said this better then I could have.

  9. All we are saying, is that we donated that amount for those benefits. I wouldn't have gone past $100 had I known I'd be losing my main reason for my donations to begin with. I had 500 on my main, and slowly working up on my iron at 380. I regret it and wish id only done it on my iron. The status alone is a waste as of now being that the spawnables are easily accessible and never really crowded. Not to mention.... instances. I'd rather have just bought the Pets and did instances on my main.


    The people who have put their money into this server should feel entitled. Most of the high end donors buy bonds. While most of the mid tier donors come from their pocket.


    Just because the benefits were added later doesn't matter. I'll go out of my way, and say most people did it for the spawner. It's just like most people with legendary went for the increased amount.

  10. I would like each rank to have x amount of bosses per day, rather then limiting the bosses we do. The 6 bosses we get, have not value of doing them in vip. At least in gwd I can kill minions for the extra drops. 


    I'm saying vip should get what we used to have.

    Vip- 25 kills

    Legendary- 50 kills

    Sponsor- 75 kills


    When he changed the benefits, I personally haven't been happy with my rank. I did it mainly before of the benefit of killing wildy bosses.

    Vip was the only rank that really got changed during this.

  11. 15 hours ago, Matt said:

    I mean.. VIP zone used to be the best money making method RuneX had, and it probably still is between the tops of money making. Honestly, you're getting a lot of safezone wilderness bosses, so I don't see how that's bad. 


    9 hours ago, twitch said:

    As @Matt said, You do get a good amount of wild bosses there as safe. So I mean that is pretty solid as it is being that people will come pk when a drop hits broadcast.

    Vip doesn't have access to wildly bosses.... vip actually has no real benefits with the removal of wildly bosses for us.


    The made wildy bosses legendary+

    We get gwd(a waste imo) and lizardman and thermo.. (a bigger waste)


    So currently, we paid $500 for a nardah scroll every 24 hours, a cape with no benefits, and a few instance bosses that have little to no worth while drops currently. 


    I'd prefer just to get the wildy bosses back.

  12. On 8/13/2018 at 4:38 AM, Kliksa said:

    You sound salty? Did someone kill you?


    In regards to the OP, I don’t think there should be any extra loot. People risk what they risk and that’s that. Implementing these artificial loots would be a bad thing for the economy.

    I would maybe support the chance for Blood Money bags being dropped.

    Such as a rare chance for a 500,1000,2500,5000 bag being dropped with increasing rarity.

    A staff member trying to bait a response, how cute.

    No, I've dodged every pker on my main, and I've suicided to a few so they'd stop chasing the kill while on my iron. Ask mrcypher or ralph.


    All I was doing was giving my input. So act like a staff member and quit baiting responses. 

  13. No.

    Pkers on this server refuse to look for a fight. They avoid each other and hunt PvM'ers/Ironmen. 

    You shouldn't be given extra loot for killing someone who doesn't fight back a solid 99% of the time. 


    Half the pkers on the server are a joke due to how overpowered weapons are, pkers camp Elite void, Morrigan jav's and dragon cross bow. Ya'll need to risk fight each other if you want extra loot. Or go download ryans pking server, You are legit on a pvm server.

  14. I'd prefer them to not be locked behind hours and hours of content with vork(locked behind 100 rune dragons), addy(locked behind mithril dragons/and 5 kld teles which are 50x harder to get these days with lava wingtail nerfs.)/rune dragons(locked behind addy dragons). And raids 2 would just be a joke being that I'm making this suggestion for those ironmen for want to raid but don't have a good enough range wep.

    The method I came up with, wouldn't be spoon fed. It'd take a minute to get the amount needed, just like with zammy bow. 

    The blowpipe alone is locked behind a unknown(in my entire time played, I've only seen 1 drop from zulrah, which was the other day) let alone having to grind another large amount of hours just to even have access to another... Drop rate for them. I'd like to see a stable way of getting them. @Logical

  15. Currently there are no ways for an ironman to obtain dragons dart.

    I'd like to see the addition of darts to a drop table, possibly just the tips.

    If added to any monsters, I'd prefer them added to dragons.


    These are just examples and subject to change

    Green dragons 1-2 per kill

    Blue dragons 1-2 per kill

    Red dragons 2-3 per kill

    Black Dragons 3 per kill

    King Black Dragon 4-7 per kill with a rare chance at 100.

    Metal dragons 1-3 per kill

    King lava dragon 150 per kill (due to the rare amount of KLD being done these days)


    Why add these to dragons? Well currently dragon darts are IMO worthless for normal accounts(due to being able to buy them in the shop), But with the recent blowpipe buff. It makes ironman able to have something to work towards again.

    With blowpipe being buffed, it'd be a great addition for ironmen to be able to obtain dragon darts from something.


    The method provided doesn't seem overpowered(IMO), due to the low amounts provided. And it'd be only the tips, so you'd still need to add feathers.


    If another player has a suggestion for introducing them into game, please let me know. I'd prefer them to not be locked behind countless hours of content, being that zulrahs drop rate is currently shit to begin with.





    Or... possibly just taking a chisel to dragon bones. 1 bone would be 1 dart tip. This wouldn't bring a lot of darts into game either.

  16. 10 hours ago, Humpy said:

    When Raids came out and the loot was awesome, errrbody cried that it should be nerfed, and it got nerfed. Now everyone crying that the loot is too bad. 

    People will never be pleased smh.

    The only time it was ever "awesome" was the first 2 hours, and nobody cried over it. But ryan nerfed it, then we saw 2 drops over the next 2 days and the drop rates were nerfed again. From that time till the "buff" we didn't see a single drop.


    Everybody was pleased during the first 3 days of raids, Nobody is pleased now due to the fact that most of us are 200+ chests dry. THIS IS AN RSPS.

  17. I'm going to have to +1 this.

    Currently in my 151 raids on the normal raids, I've gotten 1 loot from the chest. And 2 loots from boss drops(This doesn't include all the farming I've done on single bosses and resets)

    In the first day of the new raids, 3 faceguards came into game, 1 pet, and several small items. Ever since, more items have come into the game such as the rapier and scythe, which are the most sought after items in the chest.

    During my time since the release of raids 1, I've personally never seen a tbow from the chest(but I've heard a player has gotten 1). This means in the amount of time raids 1 has been out, 1 super sought after item has come from the chest. I've seen 2 kodais, and about 4 ancient relics(one being myself, 2 that I bought off players, and another on a ironman) this doesn't mean that others haven't come into the game.---------- My point with this is, raids 2 has brought a solid amount of items compared to raids 1.


    Raids 1 is such a disappointment in the aspect of drops. I personally don't want to grind 2-5k raids to even see a tbow. I'd rather go onto osrs. Most people see a bow within 300-500 raids. With the average being around 600 raids. Not to mention all the other loots that come from it. It took 1 person 400 raids to complete ancestral, tbow and emaul. While another player finished the entire chest in 1800 raids.


    We have players who are getting close to 1k raids. With 2-5 actual rare drops. I'm not including Dragon throwing axes, Dragon harpoons, and ect(I don't consider these real drops, they are super troll due to taking up rare slots on the same drop rate). The rate on osrs is based on points. Points arnt worth a single thing on here from what I've noticed. I've gone several raids with 50-100k points and have gotten nothing.


    We should have access to the drop rates, and if points do actually affect chances. 

    Raids are extremely hard for players who don't have a pet with accessories, and some mid-end game gear. Yes tbow makes raids afk, But don't hurt the other players who don't have tbows.

  18. 5 hours ago, Kong said:

    Following that, I think the marble block suggestion is unnecessary seeing as you can obtain a fair amount via implings, prize boxes and the crystal chest. I also think shades drop them if I’m not mistaken, that could just be limestone bricks though.

    I would say it’s unnecessary but I don’t see the damage in implementing it.

    In 11 days playtime on my iron, With most of the time being spent for just dailies. I've only gotten 10. I don't know how the ironmen who've gotten their portals already would feel. But it'd be nicer if we could see a method to obtaining them. Possibly a shop for ironmen to buy them being 50m each with no sellback value. 
