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Everything posted by astea

  1. astea

    Astea's 1-99 Hunter Guide

    Hello RuneX! Today, I wanted to show you how to get 99 Hunter, and how to catch all those chins that you need to get 99 range at bandits! *Please Note* This is the method I used to get 99. There may be quicker methods. All time and xp rates depend on your game mode, as well as personal focus. First things first, we need to get some traps. Head over to the shop center at ::home and trade the Master Crafter for his Skilling Store You will want to buy 10 bird snares, as well as 10 box traps (Extra in case you log out or d/c and lose some, you can only use 5 max at level 80) We will be only catching 3 different creatures for this method: Crimson Swifts - Levels 1-20 Tropical Wagtail - Levels 20-63 Red Chinchompas - Levels 63-99 After, you will need to teleport to the beginning Hunter spot. Go to Magic book -> Training Teleports -> Hunter Teleports -> Crimson Swifts Place a bird snare, and wait... (This may take a minute) You will want to repeat this until level 20 Hunter, and then you should move onto Tropical Wagtails. Same idea as the Crimson Swifts, just a different location. At levels 20, 40, 60, and 80, you can use multiple traps. Level 20 - 2 traps set Level 40 - 3 traps set Level 60 - 4 traps set Level 80 - 5 traps set After 63 Hunter, you can finally do some Red Chins! Teleport using the same methods as prior, and go to Red Chinchompas I like to lay them our right in a nice line. It may take a couple minutes to get the rhyme down, but once you do, you will be catching more chins then you can handle. Another method is Falcon Hunting! It is a little bit pricier, but if you can afford a falconers glove, it makes the process a lot quicker! You wield the glove, click on the chincompa, and then click on the falcon as it catches the chin. Don't forget to claim your achievements as you go along, and good luck with 1-99 Hunter! I would like to thank Ralph for hooking it up with the Falcons Glove. That man is always on top of answering questions and helping when needed! Please note, this is my first guide on this server. If it helps at least one person, I will be happy to make some more. Please let me know what I can do to improve my guide, and if it helped you or not!
  2. astea

    Fastest maxed prime

  3. astea


    Fake news
  4. astea

    Demonic Gorilla Guide

    Awesome guide Ralph!
  5. Still having some freezing issues where I need to restart the client. Before it freezes players will kind of show up how a NPC shows up at the mage training arena, with only gloves, hats, and boots. No big deal just reporting (:
  6. astea


    Lmfao dead.
  7. astea

    Slayer shop additions

    I wish I had enough slayer points to get 1 fused helm though
  8. astea

    Murdaaa staff app

    +1 Our daddy @Raw said it best. Murdaa4prez
  9. astea

    Lock Please

    Lock please
  10. astea

    A wild Roadman appears!

    Welcome, let me know if you need help (:
  11. astea

    pic of ikeas beard and half of face

    Welcome, let me know if you need help (: werirdo lol
  12. astea

    Anaalihirmu? lol dunno?

    Welcome, let me know if you need help (:
  13. astea

    God Wars Dungeon Boss Guide(In the Making)

    <333 Cant wait for the rest!
  14. astea

    Astea's 1-99 Hunter Guide

    Had no idea these items were even in the game! Will add. Thanks (:
  15. astea

    Astea's 1-99 Hunter Guide

    Thanks! Went ahead and added.
  16. Thanks daddy! will post bugs (:
  17. astea

    Max Gear Setups For All Styles

    (: maybe include some of the other close to max set ups, like stuff better than bandos for melee
  18. astea

    In-Depth Kraken Guide

    super afkable boss too!
  19. astea

    Welcome To Raids

    Kick ass guide, thanks man!