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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Cursed Dungeon Map Entrance Portals Alternative escape routes Larry The Wilderness Trader Cursed Enchanter Cursed Slayer Master Cursed Tree Cursed Mining Area/Cursed Crypt Dark Altar Ankous Abyssal Demons Chaos Druids Lava/Frost Dragons Thanks to @Ralph for updating some of the information on this guide.
  2. 2 points
    Nice guide. Add the teleport to the caverns, the ladder, unique bludgeon drop, cursed shards, the map, cursed impling, more about the crypt, how to escape pkers, the dragon daily.
  3. 1 point
    Most levels of in-game staff can check IPs, UIDs and their matches, which I believe if Ramzis method, however I'm not entirely sure.
  4. 1 point
    Damn you active on forums boy! Keep up the suggestions
  5. 1 point
    Credits to @52xp for providing this layout. Runex currently has six different levels for the Donator status. In order to achieve these ranks, you must either purchase bonds from other players or donate in-game by typing ::donate. When obtaining each rank, you are given a box with miscellaneous items that are all but guaranteed to help you in-game in some way, along with at least one rare item. The current Donator ranks are as follows: Regular Donator: $10 Super Donator: $50 Elite Donator: $100 VIP Donator: $500 Legendary Donator: $1,000 Sponsor Donator: $2,500 Mythic Donator: $5,000 Cosmic Donator: $10,000 The current rewards for every Donator Rank in Runex are listed below. Regular Donator Super Donator Elite Donator VIP Donator Legendary Donator Sponsor Donator Mythic Donator Cosmic Donator Please note that Ironman or not, the game modes have the same benefits! Normal Mode - 135x EXP Hard Mode - 50x EXP Supreme Mode - 20x EXP Prime Mode - 3x EXP Heroic Mode - 1x EXP