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Market and chat box suggestions

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I've been on this server for a little over a week now, this is my second week in, in general I love every aspect of the server but the biggest issue i've found and will probably be one of the biggest reasons i'd leave is the market system, I spend all this time bossing and slaying to get drops but then no ones buying the drops I get, I currently have 15/15 in my Trading post with plenty of other items waiting to sell but stuff rarely ever sells.

A way to counter this problem could be bringing out a NPC that has a fixed price for everything which you can sell too, but is under the average price in the trading post. For example: a $10 bond is 1b-1.2b in this NPC they will buy it for 800m but anything sold to this NPC can not be bought back. 


One other issue I've noticed is the text colours in the chat box, I'm personally colour blind and can't read half of the light blue/grey text, I know in RS3 you can custom all of your chats colours, could be worth looking into something like that.


Apart from that the server is a really great place to be :)

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the reason items arent being bought atm is because of the lack of gp in the market, with runex's playstyle there are often people who come in gamble hold the eco and then for whatever reason get banned so their items are out of the eco aswell as their large stock of gold. so that explains your issue with selling items.

as far as the chat goes im not color blind but i can see how that would be offputting you may beable to use a program on your pc to change color hues and that might help you

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market has its ups and downs, having to adjust an NPC for prices would be a lot of maintenance. items are dropping all the time. this easter event alone dropped the price of blowpipes like 2b


don't see why custom chat colors couldn't be added though, that's a good idea

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-1, because prices go up and down it's really depending on the demand on the item.

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An NPC that buys items for a fixed price below the current price sounds good on paper, but in practice it harms the economy more than it helps it.

Like others have mentioned, prices fluctuate and it would be hard to code something to detect the prices of items and adjust accordingly. If the system were to be manual, it would take way too much upkeep and updates wouldn't be able to come out fast enough to account for item prices changing.

Another issue is the mass amount of GP that could be brought into the game from an NPC like this. It would cause mass inflation since GP is super easy to obtain.

And yes like Siah had mentioned there doesn't seem to be enough GP in the game right now but I can confirm there is plenty. There are a few players currently hoarding mass amounts of GP which is why it seems like there's no gold on the market.

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+1 to the changing of text colors idea, this could benefit a few players that I know personally. 

As far as the NPC to buy items, I couldn't agree with Ralph more, it could potentially ruin the market even more.

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