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I own the account named "Agreed" @Ryan changed it to "Settled" from me asking him to do so. Thus destroying my POH and saying I don't own one and have to buy a new one. I bought a new one and lost my POH and everything in it. I owned a boss portal room which cost me 100m to make. I lost the superior garden for the tree, that costs 50m. In the costume room i lost my warrior guild white cape, along with many other items along the lines of, rune coins items totaling to around 250-300 runecoins. My currency pouch was in there as well and all my exp gear and some fancy mbox cosmetic items I was saving. I had about 300m in my pouch with 600+ rune coins and like 25 luck tokens I was saving for this event. I need to be refunded ASAP and I was NEVER warned about losing my POH.. @James

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