Hey RuneX community, we will be hosting a suggestion event on the forums from July 19th to July 30th. The way this event will work is throughout the period, any player who makes a valid suggestion will receive points and at the end of the event the players with the most points will receive in-game rewards. How it works: During the given period any suggestions made will be considered as long as they follow the criteria.  Suggestions will need to be posted under the suggestions section of the forums All posts must follow our rules A decent level of effort in your post will be required, Samples here Suggestions need to be somewhat unique Spamming multiple posts will not earn you more points Multiple suggestions on the same post will earn points per suggestion All points will be added up at the end of the event and the top 3 players will be determined
Points: Points will be awarded in 3 different sections, The suggestion itself The effort put into creating it Uniqueness Each category will be rated on a scale of 0.0 - 1.0 and added together for a total point score out of 3.  Rewards: There are multiple categories of winners, Top 3 point scorers over the event: First Place: $30 Bond Second Place: $20 Bond Third Place: $10 Bond Staff Favorites: Ryan: $10 Bond Ramzi: $10 Bond Nate: $10 Bond
  Feel free to post any questions below and we will answer them as soon as possible,
I hope everyone enjoys this event.
Credit to @Logical for this!