Hello, Today I am here to present a Skilling Point system that would invite more players to achieve the 120 capes that people are suggesting for the QoL update. I think that for a lot of prime/supreme players, we go through a lot more skilling than the other game modes. Especially as iron men, where resources cannot be bought. Yes, the counter argument to this thread is that achievement rewards are a thing, but they give lousy rewards for skillers besides the cosmetics that give bonus, and I think I can speak for a lot of players that a skilling point system would be unique and fun. Some ideas for the skilling rewards: Purely, the skilling point system would be very similar to the runex system. For certain activities being done, a certain amount of skilling points will be acquired. They can be spent in a shop like the RuneX shop for certain items that may require XP amounts for requirements to wear them.  This would create a tier like system that would make players with higher XP counts feel more prestigious. Also, I feel that it would really invoke a lot more players to go for 120 capes once they are added into the game There is a lot more that could be added to this idea, its just the matter of the community coming together for a new content idea. There are currently only 2 players with max XP. I think this would invoke some more players to start skilling again.    Amethyst