I fully understand that Runex functions, especially in it's current state, more like a grindy, PvM focused RSPS that has great content across the wilderness to boot. I think changing a couple of things in regards to PvP similar to what OSRS has done recently would be great for the game overall, though.. and definitely adds a lot more unique content to Runex that isn't around on many other RSPS right now.  We've always remained ahead of most other RSPS, if not at least on par with them.. and I think this is just another chance to maintain that momentum by adding Loot Keys and modifying PJ timers for both NPCs and Players.    Here are a few links to the Development Blogs from OSRS' website: Loot Keys Update https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/nex-achievements-and-loot-keys?oldschool=1 PJ Timer Update https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/pj-timer--new-broadcast-settings-?oldschool=1   Alongside this, we could implement the new skulls (for a player holding keys) as well, seen here:      In my opinion, adding a toggle for loot keys that requires a one-time fee of, say, 1,000,000,000 GP and 100,000 Blood Money could suffice. While coming off as expensive, it provides so much QoL to anyone PKing that it is beyond worth unlocking.   As far as the PJ timers, I think we should follow suit more with OSRS and adjust how easy it is to escape anyone, regardless of skill, by just running into a herd of NPCs.. and we have a lot of those in our wilderness. Ankous, as a primary example, make it nearly impossible to kill someone if they are even somewhat competent enough to stay in combat with one, run south, and teleport.    While I understand we're primarily a PvM-based server, I also understand that we have to maintain a healthy balance without going overboard and I hope this helps move us in that direction.    Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. 👍