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Noob UIM

Alternative Fixes to Cannons in Legend Zone

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Alternative fixes to Legend Zone cannons hitting other player's superiors

The current fix of cannons not hitting demonic gorillas at all, is a huge nerf, that for me and most likely many other removes the main reason we wanted legend rank at all. 

I would belive that perhaps a better fix to this would be to eighter make the Legend Zone instanced, as this would make it so noone else can hit your superiors anyways, and generally make it so the legend zone would be more enjoyable, since others also wont place cannons on the same square as you are on, making it so people wont "fight" for the most optimal cannon placements and such.


Another fix would be to make it so that the squares that the slayer monsters spawns on, teleports you to another arena, similar to the ::VIP zone, where you can choose floors, or have a similar zone to this that could also be instanced. 


I would love to have a change done to this, since the current fix made the ::legend zone almost not usable at all. the main reason the legend zone was as great as it was, was because we were able to have an efficient way to farm demonic gorillas. removing this feature caused me and likely others to feel like the money spent on getting this zone was almost a waste, and therefore made the whole experience of the rank less enjoyable. 


please take an alternative solution than the current one into consideration, as this would make everything feel more enjoyable, and im sure it would please the majority of the players who currently have legend zone unlocked, and those whom would get it in the future. i have allready seen people saying that they are no longer going to grind for bonds/ buy bonds themselves because of this change. i think it would be in everyones favor to change this. Thank you for reading, and I hope that a change will be made. 

Noob Out.

Edited by Noob UIM
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10 minutes ago, Noob UIM said:

I would love to have a change done to this, since the current fix made the ::legend zone almost not usable at all.

So you're calling a zone where you get to barrage multiple demonics at once 'almost not useable' when your only other options would be the actual demonics cave which never had cannon acces to begin with, is completely single target, doesn't have easy bank access etc. or wilderness demonics which, as a uim, im sure you'd like to avoid.

Give me a break.

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I would agree that me saying "almost not usable at all" was wrong wording from my part. but for a zone that litreally is there for cannon usage at slayer monsters, this is a huge nerf. my point still stands that this change is a massive nerf to the zone we had. 

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Cannon wasn't removed to stop cannons from stealing superiors...


Superior gorillas can still be hit by a cannon at legend zone, it is just Demonic Gorillas that cannot be hit.


The nerf was because they felt gorillas were too afk profitable. Even though the max amount of gorillas you were able to kill was 4 while being afk. Cannon did cut the time to kill a full 50/75 spawner on half.

Demonic gorillas have an internal damage counter. Once that counter hits 70 from 1 damage type, they pray against it.

Cannons, while giving exp in either range or mage, have their damage classified as "cannon damage". So when a cannon hits a gorilla, it resets this internal counter so they never pray making it very easy to kill them.

I do have a few thoughts on ways we could bring cannon back..

1.) Make the zone similar to raids, only 1 IP/UID in the zone at a time. (Wouldn't solve the issue of TTK on a full spawner)


2.) Make it so spawners are IP/UID based so you can't farm it on multiple legend+ accounts. Perhaps 1 iron and 1 non iron (has same issues as #1)


3.) Fix what made cannons busted. (The internal damager counter mentioned above)


4.)  Leave cannon as it is now, but hard cap gorillas on how many times they can switch prayers. So they can pray against your 2 styles. But don't constantly go back and forth, slowing down the kill.


5.)  And by far my favorite that Traviscruz came up with. Double the HP of gorillas, perhaps increase the rarity of zenytes and bring back cannon as it was.



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28 minutes ago, Equave said:

So you're calling a zone where you get to barrage multiple demonics at once 'almost not useable' when your only other options would be the actual demonics cave which never had cannon acces to begin with, is completely single target, doesn't have easy bank access etc. or wilderness demonics which, as a uim, im sure you'd like to avoid.

Give me a break.

Gorillas in their actual teleport location are bugged to shit in there and have been for well over a year.


They range when they should be meleeing. 


They melee when they should be ranging (2+ tiles away)


1 is permanently bugged to only ever range no matter how close you are.


That same gorilla that only ranges can randomly PJ you off of any other gorilla you are attacking in that area. 


They will randomly switch styles even if you don't change your distance.


I agree legend isn't completely useless.


But at the same time, legend zone went from very active to literally only Traviscruz and I doing our daily gorillas spawns. Apologies to anyone else still doing their daily, I haven't seen you ._.

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I see i were missinformed. i were told that the nerf was due to the superiors, but i guess this was false. 

i do however still feel like the cannon nerf as is right now was very harsh, but i agree that the solutions that you came with would be great. if any of your sugestions gets implemented, it would make me very happy. it currently feels like the only people whom can do the demonic gorillas in legend zone is those whom has a scythe. 


I hope a change will be made, as my statement that this has changed the general feel of the legend rank to the far worse still stands. 

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9 minutes ago, RogueMX said:

Gorillas in their actual teleport location are bugged to shit in there and have been for well over a year.


They range when they should be meleeing. 


They melee when they should be ranging (2+ tiles away)


1 is permanently bugged to only ever range no matter how close you are.


That same gorilla that only ranges can randomly PJ you off of any other gorilla you are attacking in that area. 


They will randomly switch styles even if you don't change your distance.


I agree legend isn't completely useless.


But at the same time, legend zone went from very active to literally only Traviscruz and I doing our daily gorillas spawns. Apologies to anyone else still doing their daily, I haven't seen you ._.

Damn I have over 1.5k kills in that cave and I didn't even know they were this bugged. I knew about the attack styles being a bif iffy depending on distance but never noticed that one not-so mentally fit gorilla lmao. Never had them change styles on me randomly though unless when moving ofc.

No critque to what you mentioned about the area being sort of dead, just a question; where are people killing gorillas now then? Because the demonics cave is as dead as ever yet I still see zenytes coming in (ever so) regularly. And don't think many people ever kill em in the wilderness.

Edited by Equave

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1 minute ago, Equave said:

I still see zenytes coming in (ever so) regularly.

the past 24hours 4 zenytes has been dropped from demonic gorillas. this is nothing compared to what it used to be :P

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Just now, Noob UIM said:

the past 24hours 4 zenytes has been dropped from demonic gorillas. this is nothing compared to what it used to be :P

I never said it was anything like what it used to be...

I just asked where these 4 zenytes are coming from if it really is just Rogue and Travis doing their spawns (I know that it is not just them obviously).

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14 hours ago, Equave said:

I never said it was anything like what it used to be...

I just asked where these 4 zenytes are coming from if it really is just Rogue and Travis doing their spawns (I know that it is not just them obviously).

Sinnerman is farming them now

Yung Tragedy

i know liit and terror reid are attempting to at legend but have been getting bored lol

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Just give us back cannon as it was :/ (but fix superiors getting hit by another players cannon)

It is a $1,000 entry fee to have this perk. Seems more than fair honestly. But I would not be opposed to having the ability to cannon or spawn demonic gorillas (with cannon perks) locked to a higher donor rank. Similar to VIP zone having monsters that can only be spawned by certain ranks. 

People were consistently grinding and enjoying the content as it was. (minus irons having their superiors stolen) I'm sure some were logging in just to get their daily spawns. This is a good thing for the server. 

Zenytes were still a very high price.

Over all it just doesn't seem OP enough to have been nerfed like it was. 

btw we also want afk sponsor rock back  ty

Edited by tranquil

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