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Item Lending

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Just a little preface before I get into this "suggestion" - This is a two part suggestion, the first being something that can be done with the tools at my disposal and the other is something that would have to be actually coded into the game. The first part is something that would just require staff support and community input to accomplish, so that is mainly what I am looking for out of this post. Feedback of any kind is always expected and welcomed.


Item Lending Service/Discord Room

Allow me to paint a picture if you will...


You log onto Runex today and decide that you're going to do your first master task scroll because you finally rolled one from a grandmaster bottle. You open the scroll and smile because of how easy the task is 'Complete 10 daily money making tasks and High Alch 3 Amulet of Fury' then your smile slowly turns into a frown when you look at the task requirement...

While having a Chaos Mummy Pet out

Shoot, you mutter to yourself, I'll never be able to complete this task scroll that pet is one of the rarest in the game. You go to drop your scroll, but suddenly you remember something.. Didn't you hear about a forum thread where you could borrow a task scroll required item and all you have to do is pay a fee and return the item when you finish the task? You scroll through the forums (Could be Discord or both, up for debate) and find the thread "Con Nor's item lending service". Inside it tells you that Con Nor has collected a fair bit of items on his travels throughout Runex and would be willing to loan you items that you need for a task scroll for a small price and your word (staff support needed for this) that you would return the item when completed or after an agreed upon amount of time. It would make sense that the longer you request to borrow an item the higher the price would be, and the rarity of the item would also play a factor in increasing price. You ask how much it would be to borrow a chaos mummy pet, Con Nor tells you it would be 100m* and you both must post a picture of the trade, date, and date to be returned and the actual return on a forum thread made specifically to loan items, or a discord channel in the Runex Discord. You happily agree to the terms set before you and you make your transaction with Con Nor eager to complete your task scroll. When you complete the task you are shocked to see that you got a Grand Ring from the task, and you almost dropped it. After the task is completed you flag down Con Nor and return his chaos mummy pet, remembering to post a picture of the pet being returned before rushing back to get your next big loot..

*Not set in stone up - for discussion on prices if it gets that far

Ok so I realize that my picture might be a little.. immersive? But the big appeal to this is that it might not always apply to you, but there are always situations where it could  apply to you. I thought painting a picture that maybe all of us could relate to would be the best way to approach this considering almost everyone have been in this type of position before on Runex, except they were forced to drop the scroll all together.

The suggestion is simple though - I have a lot of items, I want to make use of some of the items that other people might not be fortunate enough to have, like a viper helm or a tyras helm or a chaos mummy pet that they probably don't want to completely purchase for a single task. They pay me and I will let them use the item that they need.

The issue at hand however is since this is not a staff ran service, how am I able to get a guarantee that I don't lose out on my items while loaning them out? My proposed solution(s) are:

  • You must have X amount of playtime (10days?) to use the lending service
  • You must post screenshots when borrowing the item and returning it
  • You may not gamble while borrowing an item from someone (unless agreed upon? Idk needs work)
  • Staff help enforce that if someone does steal an item, that account should be banned and item returned (or something)
  • Other people are able to also loan their items and this isn't exclusive to myself

The points seem self-explanatory but I want to reiterate that point 4 is essential in the success of this suggestion, but also upholding the rule would promote integrity and keep the server clean of those with malicious intent, such as scammers and deceivers. I get that you could argue "don't lend your items out if you're not willing to lose them", and of course I understand that; however, this would be a benefit to potentially every non-ironman in the game, and considering staff wouldn't have to do anything other than due diligence (reading the #channel) and upholding rules (if implemented), I can't see a huge opposition to my suggestion. I, or anyone who wants to help with this, would only receive small monetary gains if anything and it is more about helping out the community but not completely holding their hand. I will loan them that end-game item they need, but they need to wet my palms just a little bit first.



Item Lending as a Game Feature

If anyone has played RS prior to OSRS coming out, then the item lending feature will be nothing new to you. Essentially everything I talked about in the above idea, except it is all done in game via a user-hub, perhaps a lending post, next to the trading post. You would put your item, say 3rd age vamps, into the lending post for your desired price and time-frame that someone would borrow it for, maybe cap it at 24 hours or 72 hours? (Up for suggestions) Once the borrower has received the item perhaps it becomes untradeable so it cant be lost or sold, and after the time has elapsed it would automatically go back to the original owners bank, with an alert saying thus. There are a lot of ways that this could potentially be abused, I of course realize this, but I think having the idea out here to be known and discussed is how we could work towards a system that is fully functional.


  • Items borrowed through the lending system cannot be taken into the wild? Imagine someone having access to an untradeable fully powered scythe. Up for debate
  • Item can be right click 'returned' to the owner at anytime before the time is elapsed.
  • Original owner cannot demand an item back before the time is elapsed. Stick to your word.
  • Not exclusive to task scroll related items, the system could work with any equip-able item or pet
  • No gambling still, while borrowing an item?

I would imagine that the coding that would be required to make a lending system would be a pain in the ass so that is why I have the first idea, something that I(someone) could do, and then this idea which could be a little more concrete and secure.


Please let me know if you have any questions or comments or concerns or want to expand on this idea, anything.


Thank you for reading!

Edited by Con nor

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I personally like the idea


It sucks you can't just lend something to someone without worrying if they gonna gamble/highalch your item

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Remember how there was item lending on runescape at some point? people would pay to borrow item for x amount of hours and the item would return to owner once that time had passed. would work well on runex id think, id love to charge to loan out my volitale staff >:)

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