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A staff and/or selected players created wiki would help this game a ton.

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I've got two accounts with 8 days on one and 12 on the other, a fair bit of that is AFK, but I've played quite a bit since I started. But I still have no idea what gear to use, what kind of an upgrade path to take, or where to get a lot of gear. For example the god bows, I don't know where they come from but I'd really like to. Same with the Zaryte bow. Having a wiki where players can search through drop tables, find money making methods, and all the other topics appropriate for a wiki would be nice and easy to find. Also many guides on the forums are heavily reliant on pictures that are no longer there. Having them hosted on a wiki would help prevent that from happening. You cant get very far in this game with just RS knowledge alone, so a wiki would be very helpful for new players. 

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The staff team approached Ryan about creating an official RuneX wiki a long time ago, all that was asked was that we get the skeleton of the site created so that the staffs efforts would not be wasted, unfortunately that never happened, so a wiki was not created. 

I'd still love for a wiki to be created, the amount of content in the game is extreme, making it very complicated for newer players and a lot of content also gets skipped over. It also makes creating guides a huge waste of time because you'd need to explain 500 different things in order to make a proper guide, I wiki would really help here as pages for each minor content can be created and simply hyperlinked to in a larger guide on the wiki. 

Huge + 1, I'd be first in line to offer my time and effort in building it up, but don't think it will happen.

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It would be nice. I think having something like that would help Runex stand out from other rsps. Having its own wiki makes it seem more like its own game. I could probably help to fill in a good bit of information. 


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I was actually thinking of creating some sort of excel document or what not with this in mind. You could simply insert your question and related/the specific question would show. This would help a lot of people in-game who may feel that they're perceived as stupid for asking certain questions. 

Bigg +++100

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So some personal input on this. I've personally been on a "Wiki-Staff" team for another server awhile back. The thing behind this is there would have to a be a whole separate team dedicated purely to managing and up keeping the wikia site that is made.  General users would still be allowed to give their full input into it and modify and add bits where they feel needed. If every single person on Runex would work from the good of their hearts to benefit everyone this would be a relatively easy process. As we all know though we have trolls and scammers and spammers that feel blasting racism is hilarious. Almost guaranteed that within a few hours of a decent setup site that someone who got pked at wilderness agility arena just changes every word on the wilderness agility wiki page to penis. This all being said, Possibly if Ryan were to make the base wikia (so that he maintains full ownership of the wiki) allocates designated Administrators for it and then a team can be made via reputation. theres a possibility that the helpful people of runex will help maintain it and submit information where needed.

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