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Token Guide

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Token Guide:

This guide will explain the different types of tokens, including Experience and Drop tokens, what they do, how to obtain them and the best ways to use them.

Experience Tokens:



Combat Tokens:
Double Combat Experience


Each token will disappear after 10000 [10k] combat experience gained

Best ways to use these:

These tokens are easy to come by, so use them whenever you are in combat. These tokens also work for prayer, so if they are your only option, you should use these for prayer as well. 

Best ways to obtain:

These tokens have a very wide variety of sources, the easiest and most reliable is the Giant Mole part exchange as well as the vote ticket exchange at a rate of 1 vote ticket per 25 combat tokens.
Early game, the rock crab daily is also a good source.



Skilling Tokens:
Double Skilling Experience


Each token will disappear after 10000 [10k] skilling experience gained

Best ways to use these:

These tokens are also fairly easy to come by, so it is worth using these whenever you are training skills. These tokens work on slayer, so it's a neat trick to bring these when training slayer as they wont be consumed by combat experience. 

Best ways to obtain:

These tokens have a very wide variety of sources, the easiest and most reliable is the Giant Mole part exchange as well as the vote ticket exchange at a rate of 1 vote ticket per 25 skilling tokens.
Early game, the skilling task daily is a good source.



Catalyst Tokens:
Triple Experience


Each token will disappear after 5000 [5k] experience gained

Best ways to use these:

These tokens are a little harder to get, but there are some powerful ways to get your hands on an infinite supply of these as long as you are willing to risk it. At first, you will only have a limited amount of these, so save them for your harder skills, such as agility, or skills with limited supplies such as construction. These tokens work for all experience, so they will be consumed by combat experience during slayer.

Best ways to obtain:

Most of the viable ways to obtain catalyst tokens are found in the wilderness, but they aren't all too dangerous. 
The best is the lava feather exchange in the lava maze, at an exchange rate of 1 feather per token.  Feathers can easily be obtained by hunting lava wagtails in the lava maze.
The next best is the runite ore exchanger in the cursed caverns, at an exchange rate of 15 runite ore per 25 tokens.  
Lastly, the cursed tree in the cursed caverns. Cursed branches can be exchanged for 20 branches per 20 tokens. This method is only viable for lower experience rate accounts, as tokens will be consumed when cutting the cursed branches. 



Mystic Tokens:
Quintuple [5x] Experience


Each token will disappear after 5000 [5k] experience gained

Best ways to use these:

These tokens are easy to obtain, they are just expensive to use, so you will want to save them for annoying skills or limited high experience occasions, such as using mystic or champion lamps.

Best ways to obtain:

The only reliable way to obtain these tokens is from the NPC Teclyn at an exchange rate of 10 runecoins and 1 catalyst tokens per mystic token. 
Teclyn is located next to the runecoin machine. 
These tokens can also be obtained from Theatre of Blood raids, but they are an unreliable source.


Luck Tokens:



Luck Tokens:
Grants double the drop rolls


One token will be consumed per kill of a viable NPC

Best way to use these:

These tokens are best used on NPCs with high value drop tables that are harder to kill.  This is all down to personal choice, but something like Alchemical Hydra, which is non-AFK and has a nice drop table, is better to use luck tokens on compared to Giant mole.

Best way to obtain these:

The most reliable way to obtain these is via the vote store exchange, at an exchange rate of 5 vote tickets per 15 luck tokens. 
They can also be obtained via Chamber of Xerics and Theatre of Blood raids, but it is at an unreliable rate if you need them.



Epic Luck Tokens:
Grants triple the drop rolls


One token will be consumed per kill of a viable NPC

Best way to use these:

These are just the same as regular luck tokens, just giving you 1 extra lot of loot, so use these as you see fit. However it is recommended to save these for world bosses such as Enormous mole as you get the most out of them.

Best way to obtain these:

The most reliable way to obtain these is via the vote store exchange, at an exchange rate of 10 vote tickets for 5 epic luck tokens. 
They can also be obtained via Chamber of Xerics and Theatre of Blood raids, but it is at an unreliable rate if you need them.


Misc Tokens:



Resource Tokens:
Grants double resources while skilling


One token will be consumed per successful skill action

Best way to obtain these:

These are best obtained from the skilling task daily, but can also be purchased from the vote exchange at a rate of 3 vote tickets for 15 resource tokens.

Best way to use these:

These tokens have limited useful uses. However, they are pretty great for hunter if you want double chinchompas and the best place to use them is at lava wagtails for extra feathers.


Double Experience Scrolls:
These scrolls provide 15 minutes of double experience when used


This experience will not count down while logged out

Best way to obtain these:

These are only obtainable if you are a supreme or prime account. Supremes will get one every 24 hours and primes will get one every 12 hours, as long as you log in after that period.

Best way to use these:

These are great to use in place of combat/skilling tokens for quick and high experience skilling/combat.


Useful Tips:

  • The scholars blessing, which is obtainable from the runecoin shop for 5000 runecoins. This blessing will double the experience you can gain before each combat, skiller or catalyst token before they disappear. 
  • The amount of experience you gain before tokens disappear does not include the experience granted by the tokens, so while using catalyst tokens as an example, you earn 15000 [15k] experience before 1 token is consumed.
  • Tokens do not stack with each-other, nor with the double experience scroll. However, they stack with percentage increases, such as varrock armour.
  • Tokens are lost on death in the wilderness, so only bring a couple if you intend on taking them to the wilderness.


I hope this guide has helped you.
If you have any other tips or tricks for the community, please leave them below.

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