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Found 8 results

  1. Darth Vader

    name change

    Hey ! I'd like to request a name change : darth vader. I know that this name is already taken but i've been playing this server for over a year and never saw the guys logged in. I'm already a elite donator. Thank !
  2. Kong

    Official staff answers

    I would just like to start of by saying thank you to every single player who participated in this event. Your questions were highly appreciated and answered thoughtfully. The amount of participation has shown me that it will be nice to host more of these events in the future. NATE In-game name: @kekik Question: Why does spawnpk get more updates than we do? A. It doesnt, they both get the same amount of attention. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Rasta Question: Why is the bp so incredibly inaccurate now? A. Accuracy should be fixed as of the last update. (3/9) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Samuel Question: Where do you see wilderness based activity going? A. No big plans for the wildy besides improving the content already inside it. Perhaps we can release a new roaming mega boss or something along those lines later in the year though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game names: @Happysun51 & @Basil Question: Why type of content would you guys want to see more/improve on ingame? A. Improvements on current content. If you have ideas for things like Task scrolls, Rune coin exchanger, Wisdom mage, Enchantment chest, Slayer, Minigames, Cursed cavern, Mage arena, Catacombs of Kourend, God wars dungeon, Nardah, Runex points, Imbues & Skilling please do not hesitate to let me know because I'm always looking to improve all of those things. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KONG In-game name: @you eye am Questions for: All Team Question: What's one thing you would change, one thing you love and one thing you hate about runex? Answer: One thing I would change about Runex is the $10 donor zone, I think it is too op for it being the first dzone to unlock. One thing I absolutely love about Runex is the community. For me, the community is what makes a server good. I have many, many friends on here and love meeting/ helping new members of the community. Runex has come a very long way in terms of content but has always been home to a fantastic community. I can’t say I “hate” anything about Runex but, one thing I dislike is… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-Game Name: @Battius Questions for: Kong Question: At what point did you realise that I am your favourite RuneX player? Answer: Since the day you were born, my dear child. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Happysun51 Questions for: All Question: What type of content would you guys want to see more of ingame? Whether it be skilling-related, minigames, more bosses/customs, exc. Answer: I would like to see more team based minigames. A variation of castle wars or a team based wave survival game would be very, very fun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Basil Questions for: All Staff What do you think could be improved on in game (All Staff) Answer: I think Runex could be improved by there being more community bosses (like emole). I like these concepts as it brings the community together all in one space. I have played a server where there is an “enraged boss” every 2 hours and it gives you a key to have a go at an event chest for chance at rare loot. I would love to see this implemented here on Runex. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @lighty Questions for: All Staff Question: How can apply for the AFK Patrol job? Answer: If you afk for a little while, the afk guard will appear. Once he has arrived to take you to jail, bribe him with some sticky pocket candy and ask him if he wants to be free from his unpaid job as a Runex slave. I’m sure he’d be happy to hand his title over to you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @bumbaclot Question for: All Question: What, if anything, will be done to address the recent backlash at 'p2w' updates; can we expect more widely accessible content in the near future? Answer: “p2w” are not consecutive and will normally be followed by an update for the whole of the community. Yes, there are some “p2w” updates but we also have to think about people who are at end game content to have afford to “p2w” with ingame money. You can most definitely expect more widely accessible content, for sure. The development team is always working on fresh ideas to give to the community, stick around and it will be worth your while. :] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In game name: @Kastor13 Question for: All staff Question: bobs or vagine? favorite game outside of Runex? 100% vagine. My favorite game outside of Runex is probably Call of duty 4. However, I have not owned an xbox or playstation in years so Runex is the only game I play/have time for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Logical Questions for: 1. Kong Question: Where did you get the idea for such a cool event? Answer: A very dear friend of mine made a fantastic suggestion that could build a closer bond between the current staff team and our beloved community. I 100% agreed with his amazing suggestion and immediately set to work designing this staff q&a. Thank you greatly, Logical. Logicals property would have to require 2000x flippers and they’d be poo brown. My favorite alcoholic beverage is Bia Hoi. It’s local beer brewed that day and also has the be drank that day due to it has 0 additives/chemicals to keep it fresh. It’s interesting, I’m unsure why but I’ve heard rumors that the % of alcohol is different in each glass. I’ve noticed this myself, I’ve drank 7/8/9 glasses and been alright but then sometimes I’ve had 3 glasses and in no state to drive home. You are never more than 10 minutes away from a Bia Hoi in Hanoi which definitely makes it my number 1 drink. Also, it’s $0.40 per glass -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In game name: @women Question for: all the staff Question: 1. Whats the thing you guys love of being staff and hate about being staff? 2. What triggers you all the most that the community does? 3. What would you like to see the community more? Answer: My absolute favorite thing about being a staff member is helping out as much as I possibly can within the community. Without all you beautiful people, Runex would be nothing. People being extremely toxic and when confronted they fall back on “It’s only pk banter”. Toxicity is not banter. I would like to see more community events that bring us all together in one spot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Rasta Questions for: All staff Question: Is it hard having to deal with Rasta in game every day? The man's a mess. I don't know how you guys do it. Answer: It’s a total nightmare tbh. We should just ban him and be done with it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @GunSlingerEA Questions for: Any staff member Question: Are we ever gonna get any closer to the Regular GE so we can insta sell things Like someone can put in a buy request and it'll match the highest buy request with how much your selling your item for lets say someone put in a buy request for 1x runite ore at 40k GP and thats the highest buy request and you attempt to sell the runite ore for 25k or 35k then it will insta sell for the highest buy request Answer: I would not say we are any closer but it has been suggested a few times. I completely agree with you on this point and would love to see some sort of bidding/offer system within the tp implemented. Or maybe even a separate “auction post”. Player puts items in there for a certain amount of time and players will bid on the item. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Samuel Question for Kong; Is there anything you'd like added for supermod ability's? I.E First match etc to allow you to see evaders and help returning players Answer: First-match would be very, very helpful when investigating certain cases. It would make my job a lot easier. Furthermore, I would also like some form of ban more powerful than UID, as it is easily avoided. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Skorex Question For Kong - If you could change one thing in Runex what would it be ? Answer: I like you suggestion of have staff log in yells. I particularly like the new ones you come up with every time I log in. But, realistically, a plain ol’ “*crown* *staff* has logged in” would do the trick. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAMES In-game name: @Happysun51 Questions for: All Question: What type of content would you guys want to see more of ingame? Whether it be skilling-related, minigames, more bosses/customs, exc. Really curious to hear what long-time RuneX players think 🙂 To answer this question I would need to be grateful for all of the updates Ryan and Nate have already released this far. I believe that i'd love to see a major group boss that you'd need designated roles for players to defeat the boss, such as Nex or Kalphite King on RS3, Where you'd need a Tank and another DPS role, something along those lines. As for the minigames, I'd love to see the wintertodt implemented, as it has been suggested in 52xp's suggestion post which was posted a good while ago. Customs? I think RuneX is going well with the amount of customs we have already, I know theres enough meme's about the cursed look but hey, it is what it is. (I like it to be honest:D) Anything else? I was going to say the Kourend slayer dungeon, but look what just got implemented.. Hopefully we'll see this implemented soon enough but I'm happy with how RuneX is at the current stage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Basil Questions for: Klein, All Staff Question: When will you finally get lucky inside of raids? (Klein) What do you think could be improved on in game (All Staff) I believe there could be a few improvements in RuneX. Firstly, ::GIVEKLEINBESTRNG command. All jokes aside, I believe there is a few things that RuneX could improve on, such as what i've seen suggested recently, the Grand Exchange area and interface. This would be a good image to make for newer players, as it is what they're used too from playing either RS3 or OSRS. The trading post is a good addition i'll never say that it isn't, but it could do with some work. Secondly, I believe there should be some use for all of the items in game, aswell as a place to store things in game, (pls gib more bank space) Thirdly, Give us more bosses! - SPK has Crazy archeologist, Scorpia, Crazy Fanatic.. why don't we? I suppose that is a question for Ryan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @bumbaclot Question for: All Question: What, if anything, will be done to address the recent backlash at 'p2w' updates; can we expect more widely accessible content in the near future? Honestly, this isn't a question I can answer. If anything I hope there is some more content all of us can access, but I'm open to ideas to push to Ryan and Nate to get the ideas implemented into RuneX. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In game name: @Kastor13 Question for: All staff Question: bobs or vagine? favorite game outside of Runex? I'm going to waive my right to not answer this, as you should already know. As for my favourite game? - Has to be Destiny 2 or Apex Legends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Logical Questions for: 1. Kong, 2. Nate, 3. All Questions: 1. Where did you get the idea for such a cool event? 2. How many rares for a Logicals Property? 3. Favourite Alcoholic Beverage? Gotta be Whisky, Preferably "Makers Mark" neat. (Old fashioned I know lmao) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In game name: @women Question for: all the staff Question: 1. Whats the thing you guys love of being staff and hate about being staff? 2. What triggers you all the most that the community does? 3. What would you like to see the community more? 1) I enjoy being staff because I love being around to help, I love meeting the new people that join RuneX and love being able to see them progress from a noob to a good player. I also enjoy hosting events, such as my tournaments and the E-mole event I hosted (Thanks again Wayne <3). What I hate? It has to be dealing with the immaturity of some players and then taking the brunt of it, Take that how ever you wish. 2) Not much seems triggers me to be honest, If anything does I step away saves me taking the wrong actions. 3) I'd love to see some more community events (Anyone can host them, we're not gonna stop anyone hosting anything! :D) I'd also like to see everyone getting along and enjoying the content that Ryan and Nate push out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ingame name: @Samuel Question for: @Castleman @James @Klein Within your current mod powers is there anything missing that currently restricts you from progressing in your current role? Personally I believe I think we have everything in our arsenal to do our jobs. There are obviously a few things we'd like to have, such as teleing to certain co-ordinates, and a log checker of some sort, (saves us going to Ramzi about things). But personally I believe I can do my job with what we have currently, but theres always things that can make it easier! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASTLEMAN [STILL WAITING FOR ANSWERS] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KLEIN [WAS ABSENT DURING THIS EVENT] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VISE [Ex-server support] In-game name: @you eye am Questions for: All Team Question: What's one thing you would change, one thing you love and one thing you hate about runex? Ban James, content and Vintage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Happysun51 Questions for: All Question: What type of content would you guys want to see more of ingame? Whether it be skilling-related, minigames, more bosses/customs, exc. Honestly, I’d love for some skilling minigames to be added such as wintertodt, blast furnace and maybe hespori added for farming as farming has very little to it now. I am quite fond of skilling so. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Basil Questions for: Klein, All Staff What do you think could be improved on in game? (All Staff) A nice improvement would be if we banned basil, would make my gameplay much more enjoyable but apart from that I’d say some more community wise bosses, minigames etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @lighty Questions for: All Staff Question: How can apply for the AFK Patrol job? Get 200 days ingame play time by just afking. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @bumbaclot Question for: All Question: What, if anything, will be done to address the recent backlash at 'p2w' updates; can we expect more widely accessible content in the near future? Can’t really say what will be done as us lower ranking staff do not deal with the updates, we can put our inputs but personally I believe ryan has done good to ensure that the updates are accessible to all those who cannot afford to p2w. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In game name: @Kastor13 Question for: All staff Question: bobs or vagine? favorite game outside of Runex? Bobs, probably Jump Force or Black Ops 4 right now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Logical Questions for: All Questions: Favourite Alcoholic Beverage? Johnnie & Cola, love me some Johnnie Walker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In game name: @women Question for: all the staff Question: 1. Whats the thing you guys love of being staff and hate about being staff? Interacting and helping people to allow there gameplay to be better. 2. What triggers you all the most that the community does? Ask dumb questions 3. What would you like to see the community more? More community based minigames or bosses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Rasta Questions for: All staff Question: Is it hard having to deal with Rasta in game every day? The man's a mess. I don't know how you guys do it. Yes its very hard, sometimes I think about banning Rasta but then remember I can’t. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @GunSlingerEA Questions for: Any staff member Question: Are we ever gonna get any closer to the Regular GE so we can insta sell things Like someone can put in a buy request and it'll match the highest buy request with how much your selling your item for lets say someone put in a buy request for 1x runite ore at 40k GP and thats the highest buy request and you attempt to sell the runite ore for 25k or 35k then it will insta sell for the highest buy request. I don’t think any of us can say if this will or won’t happen. But I’ve seen it done via higher revisions with the actual ge interface and I believe doing it with out trading post may be a bit more of a challenge for Ryan & Nate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @52xp Questions for: Vise Question: Why are you staff? Idk just blame James should be right. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: @Samuel Question for @Vise; What do you believe could help staff communicate better with players? I.e A help zone etc. I suggested this in the staff chat to help make it easier for players to get into contact with staff without using PM. Using a ::ticket system which sends a notification to a staff member in there chatbox and to answer there ticket and get teleported to them by using ::ticket once it appears. Will make it easier for a lot of players to get help faster. With of course a restriction to using it on wilderness. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Kong

    Official staff Q&A

    Hello RuneX community, welcome to another official RuneX Staff Q&A. For this Q&A we will be asking you to post your questions below for current staff team. The current members are: (Staff that are participating) • @Nate • @Kong • @James • @Castleman • @Klein Once the countdown timer has come to an end, the questions will be compiled together then given to the staff team to answer. Once all the questions have been answered, we will create a new thread to post the results. Click Here to see the countdown timer Disclaimers and Rules: • Please keep personal questions to a minimum. • Staff members reserve the right to skip/refuse to answer any question without reason. • Please refrain from using inappropriate language. • Please do not ask any questions that may cause disputes/arguments/altercations. • Please read the other questions before posting as to not double up. • A limit of three questions per player. • Please use the given format as it makes it easier to compile the questions. Questions format: In-game name: ***** Questions for: ***** Question: Enter question(s) here. Question example: In-game name: Castleman Questions for: Kong Question: What’s your favorite memory that you have made on Runex? I hope everyone has some great questions to ask, and I look forward to seeing them all. I would like to thank you in advance for participating. Best regards, Kong
  4. lolipopca


    hello! i forgot my bank pin! what should i do?
  5. I lost 300m and I cant figure out where it went. I need some help. I talked to Kong and he said he would check my logs Ty
  6. josh0497

    ive lost my pin-josh0497

    if at all possible can the staff give me a pin reset please?
  7. Hi, My IGN is Zompire. I'm currently lvl 60 slayer (I can kill aberrant spectres, so my slayer level is NOT bugged). But when I try to kill infernal mages (in Slayer Tower) - which require lvl 45 slayer - it says "you don't have the required slayer level to attack this monster". As this is one of the best methods for farming air runes for a low lvl hcim, it is quite inconvenient. Would be great if you guys could help me. Many thanks, Zompire
  8. TicTac42069


    reset bank pin please kind sir lmao