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Everything posted by twitch

  1. twitch

    Iron Logic Forum moderator application

    -1, maybe a +1 if you give me your dark party hat.
  2. twitch

    PvP Tournament - 15th Dec. 10pm GMT

    Put me with kliksa first round so I can smack him around
  3. twitch

    Tracking achievements

    there is a tracking bar for achievements.
  4. twitch

    PvP Tournament - 15th Dec. 10pm GMT

    I’m in for this one as well, roger said if I win he will empty his whole account and never play again. #MakeWildySafeAgain
  5. twitch

    Asked Ryan some questions

    Very nice way to communicate with the runex community man.
  6. twitch

    Bank Loadouts

  7. twitch

    [December 7th, 2018] Patch notes

    Very nice update
  8. twitch

    Hi I'm Vibi

    Welcome to runex man
  9. twitch

    attack reset to 1

    Why would you wanna do this?
  10. twitch

    de-spawning items in raids

    I have indeed seen something like this happen but had no clue what I did for it to happen.
  11. twitch

    Vise's Skilling Tab

    Smh vise step the tab up ya know
  12. twitch

    Gilded Altars

    At home alter would be solid, but I do like the idea of a list at home. But having this will not stop anyone from asking still.
  13. twitch


  14. twitch

    PvP tournament - 8th Dec 10pm (GMT)

    There is more than 2
  15. twitch

    Help would be appreciated

    Let me ask a friend that knows this shit very well, also you can ask @Kliksa I am pretty sure he has some expirence in this as well. And with chegg may I suggest try using the service where you can post the question and the person wil post the whole answer for you.
  16. twitch

    Help would be appreciated

    Post the issue
  17. twitch

    Take these off Most Recent posts

    I doubt they will be removed, but i do not mind the idea. I wish they never took away being able to read ban appeals/ accepts/ ones that were denied.
  18. twitch

    HCIM - The start

    Goodluck buddy, Just remember they do not make a cure for aids yet
  19. twitch


    Welcome to runex yall, where you can get banned for logging into a server and speaking in the chat. Vet'ion did a lure today so be careful out there. #freemurdaaa #MakeWildySafeAgain #freemurdaaa# #Raw4Demote #freemurdaaa
  20. twitch

    (CYA)corrupt staff

    Weird look a screen shot, how much More proof does one need? Can we can screenshots of these logs that say alpha was at meet????!
  21. twitch

    (CYA)corrupt staff

    Real as can be, Typical runex under the table BS. It is better when screenshots are leaked when Murdaaa was first unmuted of ramzi saying "If murdaaa does anything wrong even small please ban or mute him" Seems sketchy to me. This is not the first issue that has come about from the staff team being corrupt. I have been in the middle of a few issues where i was wrongfully punished and targeted. This was just another under the table job done my runex to ban a player they did not approve of playing. Proof was provided but they use the proof that did not explain the situation, K9 even said alpha was at lava maze but yet the ban appeal was denied. #FreeMurdaaa #IpBanRaw #FreeMurdaaa #BuyRawAGymMembership #FreeMurdaaa #BuyRawNiceTredmill
  22. twitch


    Good luck on that task
  23. twitch

    10hours of implings

    You got shafted In my eyes, but if you were an ironman that is pretty solid.