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Posts posted by Adam

  1. Did y'all remove Linux support? Whenever i try opening the game i get an output " Detected non-windows operating system "

    shii dawg i posted in the wrong section, move it if needed


  2. 1 minute ago, THC EVERYDAY said:

    Bruh thanks logic for the salt lol. Thus game... All it is, is clicks no matter how you look at it 

    Thanks for making yourself look like an absolute idiot, will probably be able to sleep tonight, thanks again!

  3. Just now, Castleman said:

    I asked you to move on in help cc twice, you did not, therefore I muted you for 24 hours. You then proceeded to hop on Adam and called the staff member who muted you a retard. I do not tolerate staff disrespect. You could have calmly and nicely asked who muted you and to please pm you. I would have happily explained to you why you were muted.

    LOLLOLOLOL, 1st grow up, 2nd of all nice evidence of me getting muted, you had nothing on me and muted me for no reason

    Get demoted r*****


    also didn't tell me to move on, told this random Indica guy, learn to write i guess

  4. Suh, i've been here for some time now, i have seen the server go both up and down, but this is the most fucking dumb thing i have ever seen, the staff has always been an ok team, never have they chose an actual retard like this, but this fucking idiot is literally targeting me cause of people flamebaiting eachother, i told alpha rye "stfu idiot" after he said "stfu idiots", i get mute for 24 hours without any explanation, i come in on my main and ask what retard muted me, yet again, no answer, muted for 5 days, on my friends ip also. 

    Runex has never been going so downhill, money hungry bitch ass for real, get your shit together and do something for the community instead of eating your money and crap out your shitty ass content with your shitty ass staff member decisions holy jesus fucking christ, these guys think they are some kind of gods that u cant tell stfu too???


  5. 28 minutes ago, Logical said:

    I'd like to see the RuneX point task skipping/blocking replaced with something around 300-500k per skip and 1m to block. It isn't much for the average player, but will quickly add up and sink a lot of gold from the economy.

    As for the trading post fees, I don't think charging people to use the post in any form is a good idea. I'd much prefer to see a 1% or smaller tax on all sales to be payed by the player selling the item. The seller can easily counter this by charging 1% more for whatever they are selling and the buyer will usually be fine paying a mere 1% extra.

    We will never be able to tax gambling based on the amount gambled as long as we allow item gambling, this is simply because there is no accurate method for calculating the value of an item on RuneX. Projection and manipulation will be a huge issue and we shouldn't add the burden onto players to make sure the servers own calculations are correct. If the server is to give a player a concrete value for an item, it has to be 100% accurate or there is no point in adding it. 

     The change to make gambling tickets 1gp and use them as the sink is logical, but since this change is based around the whole idea talked about above [calculating the price of items] it is not needed for the reasons I listed.

     In all honesty, if we look at the changes to OSRS gambling and how they removed the ability to gamble items and taxed the cash, I think it may be worth looking in to on RuneX. 
    When you look at things like 3rd age or high level gear on OSRS after the duel arena change these items plummeted in price and eventually evened out lower than when they could be gambled.  This would be healthy for RuneX as a lot of the items such as ancestral or viper helmets only held significant values because gamblers just passed them back and forth and rarely entered the economy, but suddenly one of them wants to get GP and tries to sell their ancestral sets at a lower price, causing everyone to panic sell their ancestral sets and suddenly the price plummets.
    We should only allow GP to be gambled, it would be healthy for us, allow us to tax 1% easily and prevent a lot of new players and older players from quitting since they can't easily YOLO their gear in a fit of rage. 

    +1 except for YOLO cause you have to YOLO

    • What is your favorite thing about RuneX? The fact that you can just get rich instantly with the right methods,there is alot of content that you can enjoy and learn. It's a very unique server with not too many customs.
    • Where did you find-out about RuneX? idk top100 rsps xD
    • How long have you been playing RuneX? About half a year, back and forth
    • What has been your favorite addition/update to RuneX? Chambers of Xeric,pet accs,custom items
    • What's your best memory on RuneX? When i started the game and some guy came up to me "Jammin Clam" and gave me around 20m cash and some ranging gear to start out, that motivated me to give more back to the community as a whole 😃

  6. TOPIC: Yell chat

    SUGGESTION: Yell=off=staff spam? Would love the "off" yell function to work equally for everyone.

    REASON: There is no reason to not implement it, as its just annoying seeing alot of colors spamming the chat.



    Credits goes to Logical for this idea about my suggestion:


    • ::pm [PLAYER] - That brings up a chat box to type out a private message to a player who has their private off.
    • ::scream - Command name could use some work, but it allows a staff member to ::yell to everyone regardless of chat settings.
      These are to be used in emergency situations.