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Mod Munchy

Elite donator
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Everything posted by Mod Munchy

  1. Mod Munchy

    lost password + pin on this account

    I'll go ahead a put a ticket in for pass/pin reset. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed. This may take 24-48 hours to complete.
  2. Mod Munchy

    Tips+Tricks playing RuneX! #2

    Thanks for making these little guides, good intro to help new players learn some more hidden aspects of the game. I might suggest adding a gif of using the bank loadouts page to fill runes essence pouches. Really helps to speed up crafting runes for skilling tasks.
  3. Mod Munchy

    Master Caskets

    +1 , not that I ever plan on doin another now that the task is done.
  4. Mod Munchy

    donator rank transfer

    Money has been collected I'll go ahead a put a ticket in for the transfer. This can take 24-48 hours. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.
  5. Mod Munchy

    Name change

    I'll go ahead and put a ticket in and hold cash and not empty till we know if the change will go through. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed or we know it can't be done. This may take 24-48 hours.
  6. Mod Munchy

    Acc Pass Reset Please

    I'll go ahead a put a ticket in for the resets on both accounts. this may take 24-48 hours. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.
  7. Mod Munchy

    Noting Lamps

  8. Mod Munchy

    Forgot Pin

    I'll go ahead a put a ticket in for a pin reset. This may take 24-48 hours. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.
  9. Mod Munchy

    Forum Donator rank not present

    I'll go ahead and submit a ticket for you. May take 24-48 hours for a response. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.
  10. Time to start farming dark totems. Gl dude!
  11. Mod Munchy

    endgame range armor

    I think that Darkroot should be the 7.5% and hydra should be the 5% as most of the superior boss drops are not slotted for bis but rather some unique alternatives like cerb hally as compared to scythe of vitur. This would also help to increase the use of the cash sink in the plat store for darkroot.
  12. Mod Munchy

    Forgot bank pin :(

    I'll go ahead and put a ticket in for you. Reset may take 24-48 hours. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.
  13. Mod Munchy

    Account pin

    Sounds good, closing this post and moving to archive.
  14. Mod Munchy

    Grand Boots gone POOF!

    I'll go ahead a put a ticket in to check logs and see what happened to the boots. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed this may take 24-48 hours.
  15. Mod Munchy

    Bank pin

    I'll go ahead a put a ticket in for a pin reset. Ryan or Ramzi will comment here when it's completed. This could take 24-48 hours.
  16. Mod Munchy

    POH Trouble

    I'll put a ticket in to see if they can check logs on any of this and see what happened. Response may take 24-48 hours. Ryan or Ramzi will comment to let you know what they find.
  17. Mod Munchy

    Forgot my pin

    I'll go ahead a put a ticket in for a reset on your pin. This may take 24-48 hours. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.
  18. Mod Munchy


    As someone who was on the otherside of Logic, dark bows need no buff. Not only can it do decent damage by itself, there are plenty of other range spec weapons to pk with besides dbow. I see a lot of people talk about entangles but I rarely miss them, idk if it's a gear thing that's causing these issues of inconsistent accuracy cause I don't even use super high accuracy mage gear while pking but seem to land em all the time. I do notice entangle works much better than ice barrage for stopping someone though.
  19. Mod Munchy

    I forgot my password

    I'll go ahead a put a ticket in for a pass reset. This may take 24-48 hours. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.
  20. Mod Munchy

    Forgot my PIN

    I'll put a ticket in for a pin/pass reset for you. This may take 24-48 hours. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.
  21. Mod Munchy

    Tips+Tricks playing RuneX!

    Nice guide, another tip for the warriors guild, bring two sets of armor to spawn a second before you loot, then loot during the spawn animation. Helps speed it up quite a bit.
  22. Mod Munchy

    forgot my pin

    I'll put in a ticket for a pin reset. This may take 24-48 hours to complete. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.
  23. Mod Munchy

    Draconic legs disappeared

    I'll go ahead and submit a ticket to check logs. Response may take 24-48 hours. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.
  24. Mod Munchy

    lost pin to ironman account

    I'll put a ticket in for a pin reset for you. This may take 24-48 hours. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.
  25. Mod Munchy

    Pass recovery

    I'll put a ticket in for a pass reset. This may take 24-48 hours. Ryan or Ramzi will comment when it's completed.