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Posts posted by bepis

  1. Nex is a really fun boss but the addition of new powercreep is a no no for me, It's a good idea but we already have heaps of customs which fill the nex set gaps just like @Iron Logic said.

    -1 from me

    Still love you x

  2. I was at callisto in the wild, looking at my screen every 5 or 10 seconds because I'm at work so I have to semi afk.

    I look and a player asks me if he could do 6 kills for their task. I say sure.

    I look away for a minute or 2 to let them do their kills and come back, I was unskulled and I didn't touch my laptop at all (I take my laptop to work but don't touch it unless i'd be on runex) I didn't touch it at all.

    I look over to see myself just spawn at home with nothing just broken items, so if i were to be unskulled i would still have my +3 but somehow I didn't have anything at all except the broken items.


    Concluding this I have been skull-tricked without even being at the device or any interaction with the client.



    This is the gear i use all the time and I even used it in my vene guide, It shows my +3 in the guide and I didn't keep them.



    That is the gear i keep always and I never lose it.



    1. How to get there

    2. General Information

    3. Gear required

    4. Extra items & Tips





    1. Getting there

    To begin with, you need to navigate to your magic book dK6oz0H.png

    You will then need to find the skull icon called "Pking Teleports" riNa4YY.png



    Once the interface is open, go to the Venenatis teleport and click teleport and you'll end up here




    2. General Information

    Venenatis is a wilderness boss with 255 health and is a level 464



    Venenatis has quite a useful drop table for both regular players and IRONMEN





    3. Gear Required

    There is going to be 2 types of gear you can ideally use to KILL Venenatis

    The inventory will stay the same throughout 

    Firstly it is going to be my PERSONAL FAVOURITE gear setup which is low risk, high stat bonus gear




    Second is a cheaper yet still effective setup which I have used before




    If you were to be so unlucky enough to die during the SLAYING of Venenatis, then there will be a fee to repair some items such as the untradeables.

    Obviously if you don't have a Frost Fused Slayer Helmet, then you can substitute it for something with a good amount of STRENGTH bonus.

    If you're lacking on PRAYER bonus focus more on that over STRENGTH

    Using a Kharazi spear (e) with Karamaja 3 gloves is very very good there since then you won't need any form of antipoison. Credit @Humpy


    4. Extra items & Tips

    A REQUIRED item for Venenatis would be one of the wilderness orbs. 5BH64Y2.png

    Ideally you will want to use a Cursed Blood Orb for the extra 5% drop rate in the wilderness but if not, a Master Blood Orb will do the job just as good.

    A Master Blood Orb can be bought from the Wilderness Trader just north of Home bank.



    Venenatis also poisons you, an antivenom is good here because it lasts 3 minutes at a time and your prayer renewal lasts 2 minutes 30 which you can drink them at the same time.

    If you don't want to use an antivenom which I don't recommend, instead use an antipoison++ which lasts for 12 minutes, a whole 4 times longer than an antivenom, much better if you want to afk for longer trips.








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  4. On 7/28/2019 at 9:50 AM, Iron Logic said:

    We recently had a change to the common CoX reward table to make it more appealing to players after a lot of negative feedback on the current rewards. In my eyes, this feedback was warranted, as I've never come out of a Xerics run with a feeling of accomplishment, or that my time was well spent. 

    Since the common table rework, I've noticed an increase in players complaining about the rewards, which is understandable as the update was recent. The feedback seems to indicate that the common table is relatively the same, just with some low value runecoin items added. I have only completed a few Xerics runs since the change, and my loot has been just as awful as I'm use to. 

    I would like to help this situation by suggesting changes to the table that would make Chambers of Xeric a worthwhile way to spend time, opposed to simply AFKing a variety of content with more consistent returns. But I don't want to invest time thinking up of suggestions without knowing all of the items on the common table, so that I may make suggestions accordingly. 

    I was hoping that players who can still stomach CoX could leave comment to this post, leaving photos of Xerics loot, or just listing the rewards they obtained with the quantity they were obtained in. Of coarse, we could save a lot of time and mystery if Ryan or Nate were to release the items and quantities from the reward table, which I would prefer, but don't expect. 

    If you have any suggestions for making CoX more worthwhile, please also post those below. 

    I'm all for buffing the common table again but it should be based off of difficulty.

    An example being I got 6 dragon boots from a normal cox run but if I was on expert increase the amount to 10, change the loot from dragon boots to something worth more runecoins but only slightly more.



  5. Only support Duo ironman, I made a topic a while back about group/duo ironman

    If you want to read over that :) 


    If not there's a summary posted in there and I'll paste it here; 

    • Duo Ironman Mode, - a mode where two players of same ironman and exp difficulty play together side by side.
    • Trading in Duo Ironman Mode, - Can trade [x] amount of times between themselves per day. Gaining Duo/Group exp for any EXP giving activities in the game. This exp can be used to trade more than the [x] amount per day. Trading will only work between linked ironman accounts. No one else will be able to trade them.
    • Shared RuneX points, - When killing mobs that give RuneX points, the points will be shared equally among the two, meaning they'll always get 50% of a mob if they work together.
    • PvM Drops, - Drops are visable for both ironman due to their shared mode. Both players can pick the drops no matter who it is that get the kill.
    • New Accounts, - This Mode will only work if the two accounts are made at the same time or linked before they start playing the game. It cannot be any currently existing ironman accounts linked with a new one. The accounts has to be brand new and chosen for this mode specifically.

    I came to think of a way to make these accounts linked.
    They need to be made or atleast "activited" at the same time to be able to link them.
    When you log in, you chose the exp rate, then you choose ironman or duo ironman. As you select duo ironman, you'll get a popup such as with slayer, asking you to write down the name of the duo ironman you're going to be linked with. Your partner has to do the same but write your name down. If both partners write each others name down, they'll be linked. If only one of them does it, it won't work and they'll be returned to the exp rate menu. This also happens if you choose different exp rate than your partner.

    Credits to @Matt for summarising the existing post with ideas gathered by players

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