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Posts posted by Rolla

  1. On 12/3/2021 at 2:35 PM, GIM Harley Q said:

    The fact that you took the time to test all of these setups, time them, and post a forum topic about this really fucking impresses me.
    Love to see information such as this.

    Figure it's probably smart to post this to bug reports aswell, as i don't think this is the intended effect.

    Also, quick question:
    Inf blessing?

    Sorry its meant to be efficiency blessing short handed in my note pad. I have reported it; from what i've gathered there's a speed cap and going over that cap actually harms your speed. Which is why you have to find a set that is right on the money.

  2. So I've been mining a ton at the sponsor zone lately; and I came across something rather odd. At first I thought the 200m mining cape was just bugged; and maybe this is still the case (with specifically the 3a pick) but it seems there are mining "bonus caps" and if you go over the cape (increase your additional mining speed) it actually slows you down. I ran tests on a bunch of set-ups and below are the results I got. (Galv pick I boosted for every single test; no speed was taken if I received key / onyx; all tested with 27 invy spots)

    3a pick naked speeds: 54; 60 ; 63 = 59 sec average

    3a pick + 99 cape: 29; 30; 29 = 29.5 sec average (+10% boost)

    3a pick + 200m cape: 32; 33; 33 = 32.5 sec average (+20% boost)

    3a pick + 99 cape + inf bless: 22; 24; 22 = 23 sec average (+35% boost)

    3a pick + 200m cape + inf bless: 32; 33; 32 = 32.5 sec average (+45% boost)

    3a pick + 99 cape + inf bless + ancient skilling tome: 12; 14; 13 = 13 sec average (+55% boost)

    3a pick + 200m cape + inf bless + ancient skilling tome: 24; 28; 24 = 25 sec average (+65% boost)

    galv pick naked: 14; 10; 12 second average

    galv pick + 99 cape: 9; 9; 9 = 9 second average

    galv pick + 200m cape: 9; 8; 9 = 9 sec average

    galv pick + 99 cape + inf blessing: 9; 9; 9 = 9 sec average

    galv pick + 200m cape + inf blessing: 9; 9; 9 = 9 second average

    galv pick + 99 cape + inf blessing + ancient skiller tome: 8; 9; 8 = 8 second average

    galv pick + 200m cape + inf blessing + ancient skiller tome: 8; 8; 8 = 8 second average

    dragon pick + 99 cape: 38; 39; 37 = 38 second average

    dragon pick + 200m cape: 16; 16; 16 = 16 second average

    dragon pick + 99 cape + inf blessing + ancient tome: 18; 15; 17 = 16.5 second average

    dragon pick + 200m cape + inf bless + ancient tome: 24; 21; 22 = 22.5 second average

    dragon pick + 200m cape + ancient tome: 26; 25; 25 = 25 second average

    dragon pick + 200m cape + inf bless: 32; 34; 33 = 33 second average

    dragon pick + 99 cape + inf bless: 33; 33; 32 = 32 second average

    dragon pick + 99 cape + ancient tome: 24; 26; 26 = 25 second average



    So TL;DR 3a pick is fastest with 99 mining cape + ancient skiller tome + inf blessing. Dragon pick is fastest with just 200m cape; and Galv pick just zooms. I found this all very interesting and figured i'd share.


    • Thanks 1

  3. @jaym2 Ive been at afk rock in sponsor zone for 8 hours + without a guard i think its based on xp gained (and gamemode?) because when im barraging abby demons on task on my alt account i get legit 2 an hour compared to one every few hours on my prime. I wonder if the prime rates are set a bit to much?

    @Frankenstein I think if there was a way to reset when they look at what accounts are ip linked to yours it wouldn't be too hard to mandate, alot of other servers / games do this as it creates an unfair advantage, I understand with your specific situation, but basically every server ran event is a joke because people pile on to 1 account / team. It's more so to address how one GIM team is blowing the rest out of the water. The vault would have a HUGE purpose if you couldn't log onto your teammates account as well.

  4. Just now, Iron Logic said:

    I think it would be too much work to police and there are too many ways to get around it, such as using a VPN and just saying you're on holidays etc.

    I think in more controlled competitions, like the hardcore wars one, staff can police it much easier, but on a server with 500ish players, there's always going to be people getting away with it.

    Yeah I guess that's true, I guess that was more aimed at the recent GIM competition where most groups feel like they can't compete with not only all the donations which I understand its a business at the end of the day and its a revenue point, so i dont have much of a foot to stand on with that, but it feels like the groups that are winning have multiple account sharers.


    My biggest problem is people in portals 24/7 with teamviewer / other programs to have EU / AU friends keep them online while they sleep. Seems like a HUGE issue imo.

  5. Just now, Raw said:

    The thing about account sharing is that it's been allowed since runex's conception. I don't agree at all with changing our stance on it now considering it would be a nightmare for the staff team to moderate it on top of everything else we already do. 

    The thing is, and I know you're referencing me in that comment above, it's simple. Don't joke about using certain automated programs and you'll be fine. The rules have to be taken seriously in some of these aspects and jokes or not, you're going to get looked into.

    then dont go and joke about abusing your powers in the wilderness 2 minutes later ;) 

  6. Just now, RogueMX said:

    I really like the thoughts about additions for skillers. They definitely need to be shown some love.


    But I'm not sure I agree with timers on instances within PoH

    I'm not saying you cant go right back into the portal, but if they cut skillers from afking all day on rock stating we don't want people afking for that long I would think you'd be aligned and not let people afk soulsplit bosses all day.

  7. So I'd like to start off by saying I understand I haven't been back for too long so I might not have a full view / grasp of the situation however I've talked to a lot of veteran players and see some major flaws.

    #1 Afkscape

    So clearly upper staff does not want people afking all day as the most current issue of the sponsor zone mining. Which I can totally agree with, the xp was decent and the gp/h was almost unbeatable. But if you don't want your $2500 donors afking all day why do we still have boss portal rooms where I can sit in max gear and soulsplit never dying with a grand looting bag. This is being abused to the point of people having teamviewer up and having friends check in (on different time zones) effectively having someone in a boss portal room 24/7.


    My solution is actually a two part solution, number one being remove account sharing. This shouldn't be in any game and is very mind blowing that its freely allowed to the point of the #1 GIM team having a rotating crew so they effectively never log off. What is the appeal to make a competitive group when not everyone can drop tons of money #1 and #2 can't get a rotating team. I don't see how account sharing is less devastating to the game then lets say auto clicking. Needs to be removed, how many primes are actually high on the list who haven't account shared some of that xp?

    The second part to that solution would be to time cap portals, lets say 1 hour before you have to re-enter, nothing crazy but just something to afk check you incase you've gotten lucky with the afk guards (i've gone 8+ hours at old sponsor zone without one)


    #2 Lack of content for the skillers

    I understand this is a self implemented style of play and should have restrictions however, lets not forget that's how iron mans started, and now a huge amount of updates revolve around them being included. I am not saying re-write any current events / mini-games but can we get a consistent money making mini-game for skillers.


    My take would either be the introduction to new potions (such as combine points as in osrs) as a reward (the knowledge to make them) from a new mini-game AND NEVER HAVE THEM AS BOSS DROPS. 

    I would also include more trade-able high tier items from the skilling point shop. If people want to spam out skilling tasks I believe there should be a very high tier reward that is also trade-able maybe keep the Ancient skiller tome as a super rare in urns however add it for straight up points as well? Would be a constant money making method.


    Also little things like making a way for skillers to obtain the VIP halo as currently it is the only zone we cannot farm out tokens for.


    And my third is just a small rant about how three essence spirits at sponsor zone literally isn't even enough for 2 people to be there, and currently there are 5 people trying to do it. It's a $2500 zone like just give us 10 of them bad boys ffs xD.


    I know this reads as more of a rant, but I think i start with a good idea / format but the ADHD wants to say everything at once and it totally just comes out as word vomit.


    TL;DR either give us full afk scape or deal with afking bosses all day

    Skillers need love too

    Sponsor zone needs a re-work

    Skilling store needs a re-work

    • Like 1

  8. So that took alot fucking longer than i expected. I could PC any of the herbs because I didn't want to guess about those. Anything that didn't have multiple sales in the last few days I used Xfire, Wayne, and James for PC. the total i got is 428046, aka 428B. That is with going middle of the road for most raid 2 prices..... will dance for GP's by the way. If you'd like to see how close I am to your prices, your first tab alone was worth 92393 aka 92b.

    • Like 2

  9. 6 hours ago, Logical said:

    Interesting video, but your voice over was really quiet compared to the music.

    I think we can solidly say the bags of riches rate is 1 in 100.

    You're in my top 10 runex youtubers.

    I didn't even know there was 10 runex youtubers in general.

  10. It's because of how stretched you have the imagine.



    But also if you are going into maxed skilling outfits, I would mention the two blessings and how they impact xp/h as well as tokens. Might be a little more in-depth than you originally wanted to go, but I think it would help the newer players out for sure.

    • Thanks 1

  11. 2 hours ago, Raw said:

    That's actually quite wrong. Most youtubers that do max hit tests and calculations don't have the actual code to know differences between things. They do an hour or so of testing each weapon and calculate the difference in damage. 

    So how do you know what a max hit is? If there was a dummy i'd agree but again if you are just hitting mobs there are to many variables to actually know what a max hit is.

    10 minutes ago, Abigail said:

    there is no need for 100 hours of testing when you can litteraly see how huge the dmg difference is.

    Again its like saying OH i rolled a 10 sided dice and got 10 everytime it so much better than roling this 20 sided dice which i only rolled 5 and below on. RNG has alot at play.

  12. 1 hour ago, Abigail said:

    So after testing both setups, its no doubt chaos blessing and book of chaos thermonuclear ring i, is alot better then ring of darkness with blessing and book.

    there is litteraly no doubt about it anymore.

    Impossible to say unless you tested the same mob for over 100 hours, we are talking about a difference of +10% to an invisible stat here. The RNG also involved would make it almost impossible to observe. We need the coding to truly know.

  13. On 4/24/2018 at 10:42 AM, Adam said:

    IKR!? finally a server that you can play without donating thousands of dollars and actually make yourself a bit wealthy, welcome to the server Stormlaut!

    Right? Who da fuck would ever do that... smh

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1