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Everything posted by Rolla

  1. Rolla

    Rolla's XP/H Tests

    Bumped, tested fastest coal per hour
  2. Rolla

    Hardcore Ironman Ep. 1

    Great video man! I see you get a decent amount of views on your youtube as well! I am a maxed prime myself so if you ever have any xp related questions hit me up in-game. Also what do you use to record / edit? If you want I could host a giveaway for you on your Youtube, maybe like a 20$ bond or something.
  3. *cough* if only we had *cough* someone who could make youtube videos *cough* show casing all this stuff and what it does *cough* maybe then people would know this even exists *cough* and maybe be motivated to make it *cough* *cough* Sorry I just have a really bad cough, yeah no idea why anyone hasn't wasted 1k runite bars yet either.
  4. Rolla

    Hunting skill broken

    It's a huge ploy to have everyone buy the gloves from the donor store #staywoke
  5. Before I get into this, I'd like to make it very clear that this is not ment in any way what so ever to create drama. This forums thread was not created due to anyone getting promoted (or not getting promoted). It's the blunt truth and needs a change. Staff Applications mean nothing. It's all a huge publicity stunt that is ment to showcase the "role model players" and "motivate people to work harder for staff". Yet in the hiring process, the higher staff just ask the lower staff for names they'd like to get promoted. Which I am not against (necessarily), however if the higher staff doesn't look at applications, and the lower staff only really comment to show "support" for the guys that they already know they want as staff, then my question is; what is the point? Is it not just a huge waste of time, does it not create more drama than anything ( not for every application, but there's a good bit). Here is what needs to happen (in my opinion), either just delete that section all together, or completely re-work the hiring process so that it's less bias and more criteria based. Once this process is made, implement this to every staff member that is already hired, to ensure they actually stay active. I've been playing here for 8 months, in that time period I've seen three ( two for sure) staff members get demoted (not counting roger stepping down). One was for abusing powers, and the other was in-active for weeks. Hell we had one staff member who quit (and let everyone know they quit), came back weeks later and still had the staff rank in-game. I know this is a volunteer thing, and no one is getting paid, so why should it actually be taken seriously? There's anywhere from 5-10 applications being made every 2-3 weeks, obviously there's a want for the position, so in my eyes, if you cannot stay active and do the job, there are players that can. It's simple and blunt, but it's something that needs to seriously be looked at. As far as the monthly check list goes I think it would be pretty simple, 50 posts a month (as a staff member you could get this in a week, simply by putting in a ticket for players and letting them know on there thread) 25 hours MIN in-game a week (Not afk, but responding to in-game situations) I know we all play this game for fun, but 25 hours within a 7 day span isn't anything someone should be complaining about if they are staff. 3 improvement suggestions a month (doesn't have to displayed on the forums, but within a staff chat for sure) 3 nominations a month (with actual evidence of why said player deserves staff) 1 lower staff meeting a month (Every staff member should attend a meeting with each other and just go over that months events, etc.) 1 event a month (this is a huge one, and I don't really know why it isn't a huge thing among this Pserver) Again I would like to state I know that this is a private server and we all have a real life that takes priority over the server. I just personally think if you cannot meet atleast 4 hours a day (average) in a week than you should not be a staff member. I love every staff member, and we are all decent friends who have played and talked a lot before they even picked up staff (with the exception of Roger). I am in no way bashing our current team, I am bashing the over all efficiency that has been allowed to slip since the beginning of this server. I think we are absolutely 2-3 small changes away from dominating the RSPS community, however these changes need to happen or else we will slowly fall off. Please make sure your feedback is not bashing anyone, either way our staff members where ultimately chosen by Ryan and Ramzi, and this is ultimately there server at the end of the day. Bashing them would mean you are biting the hand that feeds. Thank you everyone for taking time to read my suggestion / ramble.
  6. Rolla

    Hunting chinchompas changed?

    I just tested it, the chins are behaving as if the traps are not down, the traps do not fail or trap the chins, this is bugged for most of the area within the chins, pretty much making it unplayable. @Ryan @Ramzi @Nate
  7. Rolla

    Ancient Shard

    I killed 1600 (that I counted) zero shards, it's not about "RNG" at that point if its a 1-40 drop. I'd like to know the actual drop rate of the shards myself.
  8. Rolla

    almost quit but wow 16b up!

    Called it, this is the problem with new players gambling, I legit think the ::gamble command shouldnt work until 10 days played. New guys get bored and greedy, ALWAYS end up sitting at gamble until they quit.
  9. Rolla

    Rolla's Staff Application

    Fucking retard.
  10. Rolla

    Skiller capes

    No support I'd like to first off state, that I was in fact a level 3 maxed prime skiller. However when you take on becoming a skiller you already know the handicaps you are putting on yourself. Fashionscape is cool and all but just like how ironmen don't get there own max cape / comp cape I don't think skillers deserve one either. I do however think 120 capes or (200M) capes would be amazing to see, and only have the bottom have particle effects if you are a supreme or prime.
  11. Rolla

    almost quit but wow 16b up!

    Cute little bank :), but every gambler gets cleaned sooner or later. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  12. Rolla

    bank made!! 10b+ in one day xD!

    This exactly why ill never gamble anyone with under 10 days played anymore, I am 100% telling you this always happens.
  13. Rolla


    100% i'd like the drop rates disclosed on all drops tbh, I myself went about 100ish dry before I received a drop (I didn't mind seeing on how I just wanted the achievement / key parts at the time)
  14. Rolla

    Alpha Rye Staff Application

    You are a lot like I use to be, if you look at early comments on my forums application I had many telling me I get into way to many arguments, while i understand things can be annoying or upsetting; getting flame baited is something a staff member cannot fall into. Sadly I am going to have to say no support here, some of the reasons where touched on such as forums activity. However there are other things as well, starters being how half assed this application was ( I mean no offense, just being blunt). My advice would just be to chill out on the arguments, as even if you are 100% right they make you look like an ass to many people (trust me on this one) and again, just strike up more feedback on the forums. It is seriously not hard to get a forums count up, and it helps people judge you as alot of what we talk about on the forums holds a HUGE impact in-game. Nothing but love man, take my advice and I am sure you'll get staff soon enough!
  15. Rolla

    Some Suggestions - MrCypher's list.

    @MrCypher @Iron Logic I am not going to touch on any of these subjects minus one, as I agree with Iron Logic's post. However lets touch on the donation subject. First of all let the records show I donated for the 1K+ rank not for any sort of "overpowered" perk, hell the ::ezone wasn't even out yet. But lets talk about the current situation at hand. As a rich player in-game whats the point in me wasting gold past 100$ donor? If you don't give a shit about "Oh now im a 500$ donor" then there's actually no point. This can be seen by the fluctuation of bond prices, which will HUGELY spike up when a rich player decides he wants to go for 1k donor and then crash back down when he's been cleaned or achieve's his goal. Am I the only one that thinks it's bullshit that you can easily get to 100$ with 1b? As long as you sell all the tickets back. That is a terrible bond eco, when 3/4th of the price of the bond is due to the freaking tickets you receive. Here is my thoughts 1K donors do deserve some sort of overpowered perk. They deserve it, its financially unstable chaps like them that keep our server going and our Dev's motivated to keep up the hard work. Maybe like the ::bank command 3 times an hour? Or similar perks to the already Spk version? (I mean isnt ::Ezone the exact same?) I know its not what people probably want to hear, but lets face the facts here guys.
  16. Rolla

    Jake's Suggestion list.

    Team boss that drops raid items: I would love some sort of team boss as I personally have 700 raids complete in osrs, however I would not support anything that brings the raid items in-game more then that are already being brought in-game as that would completely crash the prices. 200m capes: I would love the 200M capes, but let normals have them. Here is my thoughts on them, introduce 200M capes, but only add the pixels at the bottom if the player is a Supreme/Prime. 500 Player Kills: This honestly is not that hard to achieve, I myself am not a pker but I know within two weeks this is achievable. New small achievements: Pointless, no support.
  17. Rolla


    Samuel is a SS on Spk as well, Chandler is or was the head mod on Spk and I think is considered our head mod as well? Or high mod (above Rogers and Allys mod status). I forget the whole story on Yeezus, but I know for a fact he was staff on Spk (haven't check in ages). While I do agree that we need more staff members as in my eyes a good amount would be to have 1 staff member online per 50 people, and there are alot of times where no staff are on. However promoting staff isn't something that is instant nor is it something that Ryan is fast to pull the trigger on. Promoting one that abuses his power could potential lose many players and ruin a servers name. I know for a fact that Ryan, Ramzi, and Nate are well aware of this fact as I've spoken with our mods about this countless times. As well as many of these threads being posted. I am not defending anyone, just pointing some stuff out.
  18. Rolla

    Jungle Demon help

    No i haven't even started, I will help you with yours. However if you already put some work in you are already ahead of me bud.
  19. Rolla

    Jungle Demon help

    If no one has made a guide by Saturday or plans to make one, I will take the entire weekend to test out different methods and push out a guide for you all.
  20. Rolla

    Stats Reset NPC

    I've been vocal about this many times (the money dump that is) while I agree that there's no reason to not have a stat reseter, and even a mode changer that would either divide the amount of xp you have = to the game mode you wanted (if harder) or multiple xp you have if the game moder is easier. Example 13.1M normal xp = 262k prime xp (just divide 13.1m/150 then multiple by the game mode you want (prime x3)). However I do not think there's enough gold being exchanged in our eco. I mean it's gotten to the point where no one can even show me 10b cash at this point. I am worried if we keep bringing in methods that get rid of our gold that this will be a server where items have a different value based on if you are trading them for gold or other items (which I hate). So yes for the idea, no for costing money, maybe make it a playtime requirement or something.
  21. Rolla

    Ironman Bossing system is fk up.

    Pkers in my opinion really isn't a big deal to most ironmen anyways, you really don't need to camp the wilderness that often. We need double the staff regardless so you half right. It just seems like the best of all options so far.
  22. Rolla


    It's like a bank for people who wish they where rich! 10/10
  23. Rolla

    Forum Rank Integration

    Yeah just go ahead and give me all the titles, Sexy man; Trusted; Troll; Veteran; Financial unstable; Legendary Donor. I want a rainbow motherfudgers.
  24. Rolla

    Ironman Bossing system is fk up.

    Yeah my idea's are always lit >;D