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Posts posted by MrCypher

  1. just read through all this and i was here for all of those issues, really sad to see the current state of runex and how people are treated.. i wish something could be done but there obviously will not be, sad to see you taken off the staff team, you really were one of the best to handle situations etc, i don't wanna start some sort of shit storm so I've withheld a lot of what i truly want to say. i hope you stay playing runex though, even in the current state of it. Though i am amazed you didn't bring up a few other big issues, 1 of those including me in it and 1 of the staff members, again though i do not wish to start a shit storm, sorry buddy.

    • Like 3

  2. as you may know i haven't been on runex this past week or so (apart from logging in a few mins to talk to someone), would rather not go into reason. I will only be logging in for a few mins every now and then to play some new features of an update (if i can even be bothered, not saying they'd be back, just my motivation etc are just 0) anyway, yea.. officially quitting. may give some stuff away, probably not, unless it's friends i know who would need/use it.. i'm sure a lot of people will not miss me and that's fine, i rather just put this out there for the few friends who may care, i may check discord every now and then as well if anyone has/wants to add me there if not already. enough talking from me though, goodbye runex and it's community.



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  3. On 4/24/2018 at 3:18 PM, Ryan said:

    Unfortunately this account has logged in less than 2 months ago, and is therefore not eligible for inactive deletion.

    I've unlocked this topic, let us know if you have any other names in mind.

    eh i'll keep the name I've currently got then :l what happens to the cash that was emptied?

  4. Looking for Staff member or a LEGIT known trusted person to do 1/2/3 firecapes for my ironman, reply on here and the price (idek if it's allowed here lol) or pm me ingame to negotiate


    Ironman stats:

    90 attack, 99 strength, 85 defence, 81 range, 99 mage, 96hp


    Ironman gear:

    Mage: lunar/mystic with master wand

    range: full guthix dhide/karil's top w/ rune crosbow/magic shortbow (i)

  5. +1 to most of these, i'd like to see dailies with different difficulty sets, so maybe you can choose which difficulty you want your dailies to be and it gives them according to the easy/med/hard option you choose.

    To the inferno one: i'd maaaybe like to see a "hardmode" inferno? that's a lot more challenging, it gives you some sorta piece or token that you use on your inferno to boost it's stats A LITTLE, would give more challenge and incentive.

    • Like 1

  6. +1, though I'd like to see some sort of point loss system if you die instead of straight up losing all of them (my internet likes to lag, so dying due to lag is frustrating) make the point loss higher and higher the harder the raid difficulty, maybe make the beginning like 25%, adept 35% or something, cant tell u how many times I've dced or lagged :l 

  7. 24 minutes ago, Coltex said:

    -1 you can't suggest for people to train agility at wildy arena and then go kill them afterwards. A big portion of the community despises you. I'm part of that. 

    please don't accuse me of things such as luring, provide the proof i've done it.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Seventyseven said:

    -1 Brags about helping people, only time he ever helped people was after he posted this application. 

    i've been helping since way before i posted this, ask around if you don't believe me.
