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About Paradox

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    Advanced Member

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  1. Paradox


    Welcome bud ~Vise
  2. Paradox

    Redeeming Bond

    If you used PayPal it’d be instant, but if you used another method it could take up to 48 hours to go through.
  3. Paradox

    Achievement Tracker & Gold Sink

    Support on the herb sink idea, would prove ideal if the prices depend on mode, as prime players are going to need much more potions. No support on the achievement tracker idea, it’s a click away and easy to navigate not to mention once you’ve finished the achievement a message will appear in the chat box
  4. Paradox

    Staff Q&A

    Username: Vise Questions for Ryan: The content you pump out is great but I've always wondered but forgot to suggest it, why haven't we seen abyssal sire added to the game as a boss, I understand that the main weapons dropped by the sire are available via other methods, is there any reason for this? Questions for Ramzi: I understand you're busy in your real life and cannot constantly look at tickets, but why not entrust another trusted staff member from either SpawnPk or RuneX to help you deal with all tickets? The staff team is a really important aspect of a RSPS, but of course staff members have reasons for there inactivity but some don't, why aren't you more harsh when it comes to inactivity? Question for Nate: Is there anything major you wish to change on RuneX?
  5. Paradox


    Yeah I like my daily dose of guess what they're saying ~Vise
  6. Paradox

    Vise Staff Application 2.5

  7. Paradox

    Murdaaa clrd

    Rest in peace the king. I'll make change here bby i promise ~Vise
  8. Paradox


    I’m neutral on this, as I see you sometimes ingame but I don’t see you helping people much. That’s my thoughts nicely written application though. ~Vise
  9. Paradox

    :(){ :|:& };:

    Welcome bud
  10. Paradox

    Alpha rye's Server Support application

    This shouldn't be happening on a staff application let Alone dragging staff into it. This has kinda turned into a dispute about a players attitudeon a staff application and staff are having to defend themselves, or even get involved. Pretty disappointing considering the whole point of a staff application is for someone to apply, and let people comment there thoughts, the applicant can take it as an insult, constructive criticism or as something to work on in the future. This shouldn't of turned into a dispute about someone. Anything Alpha has said to me is a joke, I joke with him less than i do with vintage and its 1000 times worse when i do with vintage. This shouldn't be on a staff application, either taken to a different post or in discord. ~Vise
  11. Paradox

    Vise Forums

    Well, @Ryan I'm not sure if you reset the password for my account "vise" but you did say you pm'd me but it logged me out of my account on the computer i was signed in on. Can you please PM this account in regards to my account "vise".