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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Recently the wilderness bosses were updated to be more exclusive in the wilderness with having the main drops be moved to wilderness only. I'd like to propose we make a tad bit harder. Rather then a afk spot. Currently we have 2-3 people at all times afk'ing the 3 bosses. Callisto being the main boss that's afked. I think these bosses should have mechanics added that make them not afk'able. Callisto having a mage attack, Vene having a ranged attack, and vet having a smash attack that will hit through prayer. The reason behind this suggestion is stop people from afk farming the crap out of these bosses. Callisto is probably the #1 reason we have GCP1's coming into game. Or I could also get behind these bosses skulling players. This way we actually implement the "risk vs reward" reason on why it was removed to begin with.