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  1. 1 point
    Only support Duo ironman, I made a topic a while back about group/duo ironman If you want to read over that If not there's a summary posted in there and I'll paste it here; Duo Ironman Mode, - a mode where two players of same ironman and exp difficulty play together side by side. Trading in Duo Ironman Mode, - Can trade [x] amount of times between themselves per day. Gaining Duo/Group exp for any EXP giving activities in the game. This exp can be used to trade more than the [x] amount per day. Trading will only work between linked ironman accounts. No one else will be able to trade them. Shared RuneX points, - When killing mobs that give RuneX points, the points will be shared equally among the two, meaning they'll always get 50% of a mob if they work together. PvM Drops, - Drops are visable for both ironman due to their shared mode. Both players can pick the drops no matter who it is that get the kill. New Accounts, - This Mode will only work if the two accounts are made at the same time or linked before they start playing the game. It cannot be any currently existing ironman accounts linked with a new one. The accounts has to be brand new and chosen for this mode specifically. I came to think of a way to make these accounts linked. They need to be made or atleast "activited" at the same time to be able to link them. When you log in, you chose the exp rate, then you choose ironman or duo ironman. As you select duo ironman, you'll get a popup such as with slayer, asking you to write down the name of the duo ironman you're going to be linked with. Your partner has to do the same but write your name down. If both partners write each others name down, they'll be linked. If only one of them does it, it won't work and they'll be returned to the exp rate menu. This also happens if you choose different exp rate than your partner. Credits to @Matt for summarising the existing post with ideas gathered by players