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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    So, apparently nobody knows what Linux is or how to use it so today I'm going to go ahead and save some other geek like me a big ass headache and show you how to fix your client (you can thank me later). We're going to go ahead and do all of this via terminal, because we are geeks, and geeks like black terminals with green font! Step 1: You're going to have to find where the cache is stored. For some reason Runex is weird and doesn't store their cache in the /home folder on Linux systems. So you're gonna need to use the find command: sudo find . -type f -name "*runex*" This regex should do to find where the cache is stored. You could always decompile the Jar and find the exact path that way, but I don't have a regex to match directory paths handy so this will have to do. If for some reason this does not work it's because the cache dir is hidden (skip to step 2a) Step 2: Once you have discovered where the cache is stored on your system, delete ALL of it, also delete the client while you're at it: sudo -s << EOF rm -rf /some/cache/path rm /some/path/Runex.jar EOF Step 2a: This step is only for if you are unable to find the cache dir via the find command. Do the following: cd ~ && ls -a | grep "rune" This will pull anything that has rune in the name, you should see something along the lines of .runex and .runex-data. Now that you have found them do the following: sudo -s << EOF rm -rf .runex rm -rf .runex-data rm /some/path/Runex.jar EOF Now you can move to step 3. Step 3: Remove Oracle-9, yes, you'll need to get rid of the 9 beta, because apparently environment variables do not matter at this point: sudo -s << EOF apt-get purge oracle-java9-installer apt-get update EOF Step 4: Alright now that's all out of the way we're gonna go ahead and reinstall the client: wget www.runex.io/assets/Runex.jar This will download it into your current inventory, so make sure you are somewhere you want to be. You can also download it without the terminal by going here: https://www.runex.io/assets/Runex.jar Step 5: We're gonna have to open it with Java8 so just to be sure we're going to open it from the directory viewer: And finally, after all this has been done, you should now be able to right click and play the game efficiently. Good luck.
  2. 1 point
    Alright so I know huge update idea would take the developers a long time to code this and shit right... But I've personally heard a lot of support for it in-game and 100% support a raids type of boss minigame One of the biggest counter-arguments to raids I've heard is "Oh we have raid items why do we need raids" Well raids is amazing high level boss content. Also the drops from raids should either be a really rare chance for sacred token items (1/2000 or something), and a decent drop rate for dragon claws/dhins (maybe 1/250). The regular drops could also include skilling supplies, as well as catalyst tokens, skilling tokens, combat tokens, and even luck tokens, elite task bottles, regular task bottles, crystal keys, etc. I would love to see a raids/raids type minigame added to runex I think it'd bring it a lot of new players since on the rsps databases "raids" is a huge selling point for some servers. Also I would love to see more high level content put onto runex, I think the current amount of boss content is lacking to be honest. For me its just camp Corporeal Beast and Zulrah and hope for a drop. Would love to see peoples feedback
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    are you talking about the demonic totem? if so im having the same problem, it says in the store that it also prevents being poisoned but doesn't do a thing
  6. 1 point
    When i left the server i was very upset with the state of the server and the staff team, mostly the lack of staff, and lack of updates, upon coming back i would like to give appreciation to the whole staff team due to their dedication to the server and helping keep the toxicity to a very low. i would also like to thank @Ryan and @Ramzi for staying on-top of the tickets i love seeing them be dealt with daily now rather then once a week. Alot has changed and i cant wait to keep seeing this server grow. im still looking for a few changes to the server that have been mentioned in the past that would help the QOL and communication between the higher staff members and the plebs who play the server, managing a server is not a easy job neither is developing content but im glad to see that @Ryan is doing such a good job and has been almost weekly updates for the server. Thanks for doing your jobs as a Volunteer to handle the fucked up toxicity this server has sometimes, i think a few people forget you dont do this to get paid, you do it for free to help the server and see it grow. Some staff members let power go to their heads but im glad to see this staff team is able to handle almost everything thrown at it.
  7. 1 point
    You have a big penis, bigger than mine
  8. 1 point
    Wtf is this post LOL, I should make the same post wonder what type of comments I'd get 😂
  9. 0 points
    I suppose it could be taken that way, but it's nice to know that you are appreciated and it's something I can look back on and feel nice about.